256,474 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Fixed potential NRE in SelectableIndicatorWidget
Fixed messed up cop aiming in C+S mode
unit info card now shows all the correct data. Added colour description tags for attacks
LongHoverTime exposed to inspector. Info panel now works except attack description
Movement doesn't trigger cooldown. Max CP capped at 5
Fixed deferred mesh decals
More tolerant shooting vs. aiming
Removed bear combat idle sound event
Added debug panel animation control thing
reduced item count on the shelter
small t2 wooden hut actually works \o/
turned on building view component
back to not working in the expected way
Fixed entity view creation reseting asset scale
latest shelter, breaks things untill next checkin
Game object layer is included in renderer key hashing (batching)
Nvmesh obstacle pool in unit manager parents gameobjects to a container
Unit portrait manager tweaks, better lighting
Fix for info panel not disappearing
FOR FUCK SAKE unit panel
!A UI textures
Removing unused fields in upgrade data, removed pelt upgrade from t1 shelter
Automated Linux DS Build #540
Fixed UV errors in metal chest plate
Water bucket optimisation
More preview mesh simplification