256,275 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
resaved animal shader with latest version
Include monuments in prefab warmup (does this break everything?)
Added character world model back into CLIENT+SERVER mode, so NPCs can shoot the player. NPCs drop their stuff on death. Starting work on NPC respawning.
Summaries for some UnitComponents.
no more minor damage when fully protected from radiation (radsuit)
fixed bounds on plants
dead plants stick around longer and can be hacked down
each clone attempt loses 10% genetics
Merging the latest in from trunk
Added world.cache convar (default true)
Made player less hunchbacky when looking down slightly
Fixed toolcupboard context menu orders
redid a bunch of the holdtypes to look better without any spine movement. adjusted the 3rd person weapons orientation to fit the new holdtypes.
cleaver does slightly more damage and has a higher attack radius (on par with mace)
Fixed the radial menu for buildings showing upgrades that are currently being constructed
Fixed bad upgrade description text in radial
Exposed structural stats/parameters for upgrades in BuildingSettingsEditor
Fixed missing retunr in EntitySettingsEditor.DrawCustomField
UnitView angular motion calc is no longer culled
Data export command supports water map
Fixed messed up ground collider on harbor 1 and harbor 2
Fixed error when compute shade is missing
Fixed convar text output somtimes being odd
Finished pixel shader compute port
Added buffer readback for single channel float textures
First stage pixel shader compute fallback
Updated test rig
Fixed sideways friction
▋▅█▇▉█▄ ▇▉▅▌ (▇▊▌▅▉▇▇▅▄ ▄▊▅▇▍▄▌▉▍▉)
Combat log includes unique ID of attacker and target
metal chestplate skinning tweaks
Traits matrix now actually appears to be working.
added lots of slope and block elements
Added missing physic materials to junkpile_d washing machines
Added missing physic materials to crate prefabs
More work on the traits matrix, doesn't save though :(
Fixed pumpkin helmet getting culled too early
Fixed poncho material
Censorship cubes are culled
Player and animal colliders are no longer marked as triggers