256,252 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
AI events to System.Action
Skinnables replaced ItemType
Removed callback from TakeFromDispenser, uses time comparison in SimTick instead
UnitCollection profiler hooks
Automated Linux DS Build #534
FOR FUCK SAKE fix scene mistake
Updated nav mesh components and post processing
Added LZ4 compression library
World serialization uses LZ4Stream (since GZipStream is fucked on Windows)
Sped up player turn rate when moving
Fixed context menu options not being sorted
Removed Blackboard deconstructor
Automated Windows Build #534
Automated Linux Build #534
MAX_FOV => 100
Added EF_FOLLOWBONE enum to Lua
Menu item to delete player DB
BiomeMaterialObject on foliage prefabs
Filter out entities that don't creative their own views in debug spawning list
ConsoleSystem.Index.Dict is public, for modders
Continue when saving / loading world fails for any reason
repurposed xp value int to be a percentage int because I'm an idiot
Satchel charge optimisation
Lotsa stuff related to match outcome/xp level up shit
Fixed NRE in TerrainQuality.OnEnable on server
Better error when trying to batch mesh that is not readable
Merge from world_serialization
Merge from world_serialization
fixed in-game menu being open when game starts
FOR FUCK SAKEI fix button inconsistency and board color in the loadout
FOR FUCK SAKE ui, color stuff and turn window
disabled shell protection on ladder hatch
removed 60 second suicide delay for admins
waterballs more intelligently distribute water
planters require less trips to saturate soil
LiquidContainers can only fill buckets/bottles from their tap
NPC manager includes allies
Character roles now include humans.
Allow NPCs to have different amounts of health
Started porting compute to pixel shader
Updated NPC manager editor
Fixed culling grid cells starting state
Fixed culling grid cells starting state
Parity with rust's implementation