256,242 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
player record database is now serialized on server, protobuf
added lightmap to beep truck 4
switched uv on beep truck 4 to map channel 2 and baked out lightmap
Replaced paint scene deleted scene 2
New recycler sounds
Distant gunshot polish
Explosion polish (mostly distant)
Misc minor sound fixes and polish
reduced cost of bone knife
quartered arrow crafting time
halved bolt/ak/sar/smg/sap/thompson crafting time
lowered beartrap crafting time
lowered autoturret crafting time
F1 grenade is mainly antipersonnel now, barely any construction damage
F1 grenade much cheaper and doesn't require a spring
F1 grenade quicker throw time/snappier feeling
slightly nerfed meat food items
buffed corn/pumpkin food yield
visual plant hydration via tinting
reworked plant water yield - needs x mls over y time to produce z yield multiplier
reworked clone yield - always 2, extras from healthy (hydrated) plants
Moved Apex AI to the Plugins folder
Added occluder tag
Disabled shadowd for occluder camera
Enabled instancing for occluders
Added test occluder mesh (collision) to twig foundation and wall
Fixed shadergui parallax related error when creating a new material
Added occluder layer; changed occlusion culling mask to Terrain + Occluder layers
Fixed selected slot visuals not showing up on client + test map update
More Units folder summaries and cleanup.
Better door fix. Only animated when necessary - moves instantly when new clients connect.
Larger, easier to see holosight reticle (including during day)
Fixed doors not syncing correctly when new clients connected by removing some code.
Larger, easier to see holosight reticle (including during day)
Fixes #68. Purchases (shops, buildings) now functional again.
Fixed medkit not working anymore. Kinda hacky fix: Made it a holdable item with no model so that it can be selected. See also GitHub issue #69
meta file had changed.... and merge
Tribe creation scene uses new navmesh system, rebaked and removed old asset
Removed old navmesh agent toggle hack in UnitManager
pathfinding fix for varying height cost
Enabled instancing on remaining materials
Updated facepunch.steamworks to latest
added comments to animal shader
Fixed NRE in UnitPortraitManager init, restored old config values
Fixed missing shader on w3_lake.mat
building shelter large source
apparently these units have changed again ¯\_(?)_/¯ must not have saved unity when I tried to check these in before
Stone hatchet optimisation