256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Set compile symbols before building asset bundles / preparing prefabs
raw moose assets (no unit setup)
Fixed ConvarComponent spam on server build
Fixed PieOption NRE on server build
SkinnedMeshCollider, BaseCollision are IClientComponent
Various feel-related ability stuff.
PlayerDatabase now tracks wins + losses
NPCs now appear correctly on client, but don't move yet
Working on getting NPCs fully working over the network, not just in CLIENT+SERVER mode
Moved character serialization to the base class
NPC can now hold items from their inventory.
PlayerRecord protobuf is now sent to player on connection to server
PlayerRecord now created for new users
Merging updates from trunk
Fixes issue #63. Fixed player being able to select invalid weapons when in vehicle due to logic error.
New content missing from prev revision
Wreckage now syncs correctly to new connecting clients.
DepositItemSettings intention NRE catch
Building+Upgrades renderer cache uses lowercase obj name
WeightedObject<T> doesn't need to inherit DataParameters
Added validation for arrays of DataParameters derived types to ensure unique ids.
Fixed CorpseDispensableWrapper class name typo
Fixed Building's Container deposit callback exiting early
units now visually reflect sleeping only at the end of player's turn
split road hexes in to individual max files, working on optimising and unifying them all.
Fixed BaseBehaviour.OnExecuted never being invoked
Smartobject data drawer shows interaction position warnings + button to open tool again
Added IP data for SmallWoodenHut
reordered animal shader properties
merge from art_overgrowth
Fixed AI designer not displaying nodes properly due to invalid cast/type (ParametersId introduced to base types caused errors in editor code when dealing with serializedProperty)
Unity 5.4.2f2 (downgrade)
Fixed some weird debug typos, updated small hut prefab
added collision to building
ignore cloaked third party metas
Fixed BeforeBuilding shader
LODs and vertex color painting for vegetation, R and G channels are used for detail bending
Prefabs created for all models
Overgrowth dressing scene update
BuildingFilterSet supports upgrade check
Building upgrade renderers cached from view prefab on init
Building upgrades can specify an override string to use when picking meshes from the prefab
Building upgrades use new shader driven construction progress visual (rough)