256,236 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Added tile-based LOS testing class
8 Years Ago
turnbanner stays on longer, state fixes
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
units can now attack and move in any order in a turn
8 Years Ago
Fixed handling bug when dynamic occludees are destroyed
8 Years Ago
fixed holosight reddot alignment
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
removed can transition to self on harvest anim
8 Years Ago
art changes
8 Years Ago
DataAsset.AssetName tweaks, editor perf opt
8 Years Ago
Fixed batch view creation not working Remade all Resource view prefabs
8 Years Ago
Added Window/Tools/Replace Objects With Prefab Fixed missing sphere tank barrels (cc garry I think you have to reimport Content/Props/water_drums/water_drum_a.prefab) Fixed broken objects / references on HapisIsland (hopefully takes care of our build issues)
8 Years Ago
Cleaned up and simplified -Entity View prefab creation and processing Nuked all old resource view prefabs
8 Years Ago
updating herbs naming conventions
8 Years Ago
updated bushes with new naming convention
8 Years Ago
Scene for prefabs management
8 Years Ago
concrete slabs and sewers overgrowth dressing
8 Years Ago
building shelter grass
8 Years Ago
water body shader
8 Years Ago
Fixed placed entity spawn pos/rot being reset
8 Years Ago
vegetation models WIP roads and railroad overgrowth dressing
8 Years Ago
made behind the windows on truck 3 paintable
8 Years Ago
Fixed shader compile error in edge detect shader (vulkan)
8 Years Ago
fixed paintable stuff on beep truck 3
8 Years Ago
Replaced Facepunch.Tick (appears to be fucked)
8 Years Ago
atmos 30.02 bits
8 Years Ago
crashy river shader
8 Years Ago
ASE 0.3.1 dev007
8 Years Ago
waterBody ASE
8 Years Ago
Changed reference
8 Years Ago
added howie's truck to art repository added howies truck to new paint scene and setting up paintable materials
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
more turnstate
8 Years Ago
updates shaderforge
8 Years Ago
ignoring and deleteing RainbowFolders, QHJierarchy and SceneMate
8 Years Ago
more turnstate stuff
8 Years Ago
added TurnState protobuf
8 Years Ago
Updated plugins
8 Years Ago
Auto script update
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Merge from main
8 Years Ago
Fixed issue #57.
8 Years Ago
Fixes issue #57.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
python slightly more accurate python slightly less aim sway python slightly higher firerate
8 Years Ago
Drag/drop working again. Removed debug prints.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Update visibility now actually hides parts; keeps shadow under min playercull dist Optimized update visibility routine, including censorship objs Fixed weird profiler BeginSample error in editor