255,089 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
Removed some unused fields from DesiresParameters
SocialEffectParameters stores an ActId for use with the Event and Target types
Added SocialSettings.GetActParameters via id
Changed the car to work more like the player: Instead of the prefab being everything, it's just the base, and then visuals and colliders are only added as necessary by client/server.
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Looks terrible but client inputs->server calc->sending state back to client is working now. Gonna have to calculate the wheel movement on the client though. Way too glitchy when sent at 30fps from server as it is now. Wheels are freaking out.
Pretty big desire refactor.
Added a 2nd type of Building Desire for player commanded building.
All Building related desires should now be cleared up on building completion.
Merged from Social Effect Parameters branch.
muzzle flash smoke hidden when aiming
weapon fov's adjusted to look more natural
aiming down the sight lowers near clip plane (less viewmodel clipping)
Started extending the editor for SocialSettings to include the SocialEffectParameters. Only thing left really is to allow for SocialActParameters to be displayed as an AssetMenu, or something like that, when social effect target type is of type Participants of Act.
Added TryApplySocialEffect functions that generalize the application of social effects in Social and Socials, removing the duplication of code and makes the classes easier to read.
Temporarily stopped lazy trait from blocking building, as it is literally unplayable.
Social Effect Parameters based approach to adding effects for misc social events. Not tested + requires some editor work before it's ready for prime-time, but code compiles.
adjusted the left elbow position on viewmodel for a bunch of weapons ( SMG / ak47 / flamethrower / etc... )
Tutorial is now more generic (and also completable).
Reworked a bunch of triggers.
Lazy people won't build things unless you force them.
Natural Caves greybox set progress (models, calibration)
Started Xbox networking
Refactoring truck/player
Fixed NRE in ProvidesRequiredItemSettings
Fixed PickUp Interaction not working on items that are attached to the shoulder
Added ItemType.Corpse Definition
Cleaned up Deer Corpse and other Corpses data
Corpse component dispensable editor funtimes
Minor TakeFromDispenser tweaks
Dicking around with basic hostility check
Added skeleton code for catching when a Social breaks.
Refactoring Dispensers, reduced code duplicated and consolidated TakeFrom actions into a single class
Updated Dispenser component editor to support Effects properly
Cleaned up some Food related AI modules, animals should once again eat from resoruces
Socials now cache the last accepted and declined invitations.
Social Stat Manipulator Value Simulators now access the Socials component of the effect's unit rather than the gpv, and access the new cached information about invitations to get to sender and recipient.
The Social Stat Manipulator Value Simulators now always look at things from the perspective of the invitation sender, not the receiver responding.
Socials now have special Effect fields under Roles for when an invitation is accepted or declined.
Social Invitation Selector wrote Received to Sent in blackboard, and Sent to Received. Fixed.
AcceptInvitation tried to remove the invitation twice when Unit was participant of the invitation (not a bug, just unnecessary to remove twice).
Removed deprecated TODO comment
DeclineInvitation set Invitation status flag to Accepted, when it should be Declined.
The abilities to accept or decline social invitations now fire off actions that adds social accept/decline effects (that adjusts mood), which takes into consideration how much the accepted/declined person loved the other one.
Will rewrite this to use a more specialized approach for Socials in particular, but the AddEffect approach remains something we can use for other cases.
Car mostly working. Still need to add the Server->Client vehicle state sync but runs in CLIENT + SERVER mode.
Wrote two stat manipulator value simulators and based two effects on those.
Setting up the clients to receive the vehicle pos/rot plus the wheel pos/rot for each wheel (plus overall velocity). Seems as simple as I can get it for now.
Going to try a different tactic with what wheel info I send. Committing what I have
Stat.RemoveManipulator checks if the manipulator being removed is the ActiveCapManpiluator and nulls it if so
Radial menu now shows valid targetted Abilities for all Entities
Inspectable unlocks can trigger Trait discovery
Added Inspectable unlocks EntityComponent and related Conditions
Added EntityType Condition
Entity Inspection boilerplate/wip
Changed a few comment headers ;x
FOR FUCK SAKE shaderforge
Vehicle conversion to networked model in progress
Fixed bad morph, added null check in EffectSettings.GetMorph