255,061 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
Player camera prefab tweaks, reduced clip plane
AI Designer : added module creation, improved module selection and node editor hookups
Added some new AI modules, assigned to various Units
Removed DispenserItemFilter from TakeFromDispenser Action
- Room tweaks
- Reduced spawn cost of some enemies
- Reduced spawn weighting of spikeys
- Added factory rooms H and I
Added orbit back in and fixed double click camera move.
Added more filtering options in BehaviourChainWrapper
Tilt now plays nicely with zoom (only keyboard for now).
forgot to disable to debug cheats
Fixed some network lag issues, experimented with some aesthetic style stuff, changed player's starting size
- FactoryRoomC gameplay changes
Movement effects fixes (movement types enum fucked up the data)
Minor Player Task cleanup
EntityConditionFilterDrawer fix (was trying to display old ResourceFilterSet)
Removed EatFromAnimal, EatFromResource Abilities, replaced with "Find Best X"
- FactoryRoomD gameplay changes
Working through the shit list.
Re-added ambience & warmup benchmarks
Call SetHierarchyGroup in standalone too
created much of interior of truck, including roof, side pannels, upper and floor, seat, dashboard, dials.
- Added a turret missile tile to Rotorz
- New factory room and tweaks th others
Powerline pylons b and c (variations)
- Laser turrets default to not changing direction
- Can now press R in testbed to regen and restart the current room
- Reworked some level building code
Fixed another UpdateLookingAt performance issue (RUST-653)
Hit tests can specify whether or not multiple hits on the same skinned mesh collider should be returned
Started adding camera modules and input modules.
- Testbed now stores lists of rooms by tileset and tilesets by area
Restart calls quit after timer reaches zero (to guarantee consistent behaviour)
Merged ambience & warmup benchmarks to main
Added procmap.pvt benchmark (should this be enabled by default, or should we get rid of it)
- Can now play straight into Testbed scene with the selected room from Editor loaded. Player collision auto disabled in testbed scene. Returns back to previously loaded editor scene when play is stopped.
- New options in the custom Play window
Player pullback fix (merge error)
BehaviourChainElement.Entity is now "optional", as is the Behaviour constructor's Entity parameter
nothing to write home about
Unit portrait camera progress
- WIP testbed launching into selected room (don't click the new button yet)
PlayerModelRebuild perf tweaks, profiling
Scoring for cancelled goals now traverse the entire goal history.
Confidence in Decision no longer use enumerator like it had to with a queue for cancellation history.
Culled out parent item requirement stuff