255,118 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.66cph!
Simplified ui test scene.
Automated Linux DS Build #3
Automated Windows Build #3
Automated Linux DS Build #2
Automated Linux DS Build #299
Movement effects tweaks, should result in more reasonable Stamina sim
Automated Windows Build #2
Automated Windows Build #299
Automated Linux Build #299
Merged some baseentity features from upstream - modelscale keyvalue, SetModelScale input
Merge NPC footsteps, IMaterial:GetKeyValues(), TTF-only font loading
Automated Linux DS Build #1
Unit combat effect fix
TribeStartArea.Populate positions fix
working on low poly of beep truck. created most of undercarriage and side of truck
Add scm changeset number when building
Include unity version info in benchmark results
PlayerTaskManager was on the globals object and the Player, whoops.
Intention plumbing in BehaviourChain
Automated Windows Build #1
BasePlayer.ClientInit uses load balancing for mesh creation and prefab instantiation
added app build scripts for prerelease branches
Fixed regression on RUST-793
Fixed some deployables being placeable at extreme angles
CraftItem Action has three modes/data source options, DesireCondition, Intention and ActionChainData
EntitySettings component validation cleanup
ResourceSettings validation forces Dispenser component to be enabled
Fixed BasePlayer.UpdateLookingAt performance issues in certain situations
Force quality level when running benchmarks
Fixed grass/bushes not showing in procmap tests
Updated race mission. Server broadcasts race end point, countdown
large and small planters - mats, textures (plowed soil), gibs etc
fixed the ak47 / smg / bolt_rifle attack animations so they better represent where the player is aiming
Slight change to how bundles are built (hoping for faster build times)
Automated Linux DS Build #298
Automated Windows Build #298
Automated Linux Build #298
Fixed prediction for PlayerButtonDown/PlayerButtonUp
Possible fix for subscriber bug?