257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
- Made icons white
- Todo
enabling decal shadow on some fade materials
- Can now cancel out of any special control/build mode with right mouse
- Icon tweak
- Building UI options now have icons
- Building definitions have icon property
- Buildings have a tier property, and are listed in UI by tier order
Automated Linux DS Build #244
Automated Windows Build #244
Automated Linux Build #244
Put DefaultFixedOutline font back to Lucida Console on windows
Limited length of URL in JavaScript error prints
Fixed alpha blending for Awesomium panels on OSX
Added Entity:GetBaseVelocity()
Added Entity:SnatchModelInstance( srcEntity )
Added clientside bindings for creating projected textures
- Debug visualiser done for now.
- Nearly there, made an on top shader for line positions
- Visual debugger visuals++
- Visual AI debugger progress. Visual-ish.
- Started making an Action Queue visual debugger. Has no visuals.
- Started refactoring some stuff to support the new gameplay changes
- Bridges now require resources
- Birdge pillars now have colliders
- More controls, more building stuff, more more
Replace KillerName in streamermode
- Pathfinder cleanup. Now outs a list of islands
- Started making a Bridge/island pathfinder
Fixed lighting mode tag in custom particle vertex lit and pixel lit shaders
Radial menu supports abilities and unit targets
Added AbilitySettings.ExposedToPlayer flag
Made some name fields in DataAsset [NonSerialized] (should stop weird name issues)
- Tired to make wood look more like wood would
Radial menu runs condition evaluation on target SmartObject interactions (only shows those that pass)
Unit.Update no longer public or virtual, moved TickMorhs to UpdateMorphs