257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
material tweak
9 Years Ago
- Made icons white - Todo
9 Years Ago
- something
9 Years Ago
Latest Biscuit
9 Years Ago
enabling decal shadow on some fade materials
9 Years Ago
- Can now cancel out of any special control/build mode with right mouse - Icon tweak
9 Years Ago
- Building UI options now have icons - Building definitions have icon property - Buildings have a tier property, and are listed in UI by tier order
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #244
9 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #244
9 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #244
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #244
9 Years Ago
Put DefaultFixedOutline font back to Lucida Console on windows Limited length of URL in JavaScript error prints Fixed alpha blending for Awesomium panels on OSX Added Entity:GetBaseVelocity() Added Entity:SnatchModelInstance( srcEntity ) Added clientside bindings for creating projected textures
9 Years Ago
Latest Biscuit
9 Years Ago
- Debug visualiser done for now.
9 Years Ago
- Nearly there, made an on top shader for line positions
9 Years Ago
Added temp player panel
9 Years Ago
- Visual debugger visuals++
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
- Visual AI debugger progress. Visual-ish.
9 Years Ago
- Started making an Action Queue visual debugger. Has no visuals.
9 Years Ago
- More fixes
9 Years Ago
- Bit more refactor
9 Years Ago
- Started refactoring some stuff to support the new gameplay changes
9 Years Ago
- Fix
9 Years Ago
- Pathfinding
9 Years Ago
- Island cleaan up
9 Years Ago
- Bridges now require resources
9 Years Ago
- Birdge pillars now have colliders
9 Years Ago
- Bridge de-jankify
9 Years Ago
- More controls, more building stuff, more more
9 Years Ago
Replace KillerName in streamermode
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Item icon fixes
9 Years Ago
Skin balance
9 Years Ago
Added skin
9 Years Ago
EAC Updates
9 Years Ago
- Pathfinder cleanup. Now outs a list of islands
9 Years Ago
- Pathfinder works!
9 Years Ago
- Pathfinder progress
9 Years Ago
- pathy pathy
9 Years Ago
- Started making a Bridge/island pathfinder
9 Years Ago
- bridge tweak
9 Years Ago
- fucking bridges
9 Years Ago
Fixed lighting mode tag in custom particle vertex lit and pixel lit shaders
9 Years Ago
Radial menu supports abilities and unit targets Added AbilitySettings.ExposedToPlayer flag Made some name fields in DataAsset [NonSerialized] (should stop weird name issues)
9 Years Ago
- Tired to make wood look more like wood would
9 Years Ago
Radial menu runs condition evaluation on target SmartObject interactions (only shows those that pass) Unit.Update no longer public or virtual, moved TickMorhs to UpdateMorphs