253,041 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.64cph!
Potential NRE fix in GoToEntity
fixed zooming not working due to previous merge
Made raycasted orbit target optional, configed in Orbit options on PlayerCamera
Somewhat messy merge with 2399
GoToSmartObject fixes
TOD and Camera tweaks
Automated Windows Build #49
Automated Linux Build #49
* Fixed Vehicle.SetPos
* Fixed unhandled usermessage 21
* Updated propdata.txt to contain Episodic stuff
* Moved some files from garrysmod.vpk to fallbacks.vpk ( HLS gibs, Alyx Gun epsodic sounds )
* Removed soundscapes from fallbacks, they are all shipped in garrysmod.vpk now
Automated Linux DS Build #48
Automated Linux Build #48
Automated Windows Build #48
Automated Windows Build #47
Automated Linux Build #47
* Added Vehicle.IsValid - returns whether the actual VEHICLE is valid or not
* Added Vehicle.SetPos( vector ) - Actually working SetPos for vehicles
* Updated internal Get_Vehicle to not let through invalid vehicles
-cleanud input partial a touch
-camera curve was still unset, set it.
- At levelgen init, Level component now calculates the extents for the whole level, from all of it's rooms extents
- Disabled the outline effect on minimap which (I think) does nothing
- Reduced size of trigger collider in room J
- rebuilt prefabs
- Added feedback reporting in town to Space game
- Added a simple scale anim to feedback banner in town and changed the colour to be different to other town interactables
- Feedback form now always gives input field focus
- Feeedback form now multiline
- Stopped some old keybinds triggerering shit when typing certain letters in feedback tool
Added OnPlayerOrbitStart/OnPlayerOrbitStop to PlayerCamera
Cursor widget hides itself when the player is orbiting
Moved CameraCurve and CameraRotationCurve to their own files
Space shooter report channel
- More stuff needed for feedback tool
- Added steamworks library stuff
Fixed lava court collision
Fixed Owl intro
Automated Windows Build #46
Automated Linux DS Build #46
Automated Linux Build #46
Improved AI player detection in multiplayer
AI can now perform passing shots