253,928 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.65cph!
Fixed not dying when dead
Fixed drag distance not taking zoom into account in JQueryUI
Experiment with partial stack grabbing in inventory (it's shit)
Reduced res maps for test caves.
Rock materials material updates
tweaked wolf attack and growl animations and added a walking while sniffing animation
Fixed GM:OnReloaded being called more than once on most gamemodes
Fixed Lua Color metatable
Unity keeps changing those when I open the project, I hope re-commiting them fixes that
Added bloom to night stars
Fixed lens dirt toggle not working
Fixed a couple physgun exploits
Fixed file overwrite error after the first time building for standalone
Moved asset processors to their own folder
Added camera to bootstrap scene to keep some platforms from rendering shit on startup
This include shouldn't have been removed (doesn't matter for surface shaders)
Removed some legacy clutter from the terrain shader include files
Temporarily removed 2 terrain normal map samples from the shader
Shader fallback and include path adjustments
Adjusted terrain import settings (hopefully fixes missing textures)
Added animal spawns to spawn handler (put prefabs in Resources/Prefabs/animals)
Removed unused colliders from tree prefabs
Merge from procgen (this will break all the things)
No broken pink stuff in test scenes.
Cave assets and test scene. Vpaint, scenemate and volumetric light kit added to third party assets.
updated clothes parts source file & new leg LODS
Added player preview to inventory menu
Stripped out old inventory menu parts
Made terrain math not crash if no colormap is supplied
Added adjustable fog height slider to terrain shaders
Tweaked billboard fade distance
Fixed stupid billboard shader glitch
Made billboard shader support brightening the texture
Updated CoherentUI - ->
Better html zoom handling
Inventories send capacity info to html
Disable slots outside of capacity in loot menu
Moved out of game test functions to development.js
Stone and wooden spear with LODs.