257,778 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Added experimental dynamic DTVars, accessors are Entity:SetNetworked[TYPE]2(name, value), Entity:GetNetworked[TYPE]2(name), SetGlobal[TYPE]2(name, value), GetGlobal[TYPE]2(name), [TYPE] being any of the following: Float, Int, Bool, String, Vector, Angle, Entity. Function names are temporary and are subject to change.
Returning false in the callback passed to serverlist.Query will now cancel the query
Fixed multiplayer test cabinet prefabs.
Fixed multiplayer test cabinet prefabs.
Added Debug configuration, fixed major performance issue.
Added Debug configuration, fixed major performance issue.
Fixed NullReferenceException in ControlsBase.
Fixed NullReferenceException in ControlsBase.
Audio and some parts of the graphics system seem to be working now.
Audio and some parts of the graphics system seem to be working now.
Everything compiles again, time to test.
Everything compiles again, time to test.
Audio and Controls providers implemented, just Graphics to go.
Audio and Controls providers implemented, just Graphics to go.
Cleaned up PlayerControl camera stuff a bit, kinda broke the smoothing though...
Finished abstracting away everything Unity related from GameAPI.BudgetBoy.
Finished abstracting away everything Unity related from GameAPI.BudgetBoy.
Prefab and scene updates for consistency
Updated Main Camera Prefab a little
Added basic screen edge scrolling with smoothing.
holster / attack / idle animations for the salvaged axe
Attempt to detect and report crashes in previous runs
First pass bota bag vm anim
Adding in stuff to preview and hopefully validate new road sections without altering the current HEM.
Removed AI obstacle prefab preprocessor
Apparently I missed some things
Updated island 2 assets. Added Tom's Terrain Tools.
Graphics, audio and controls abstracted. GameAPI now compiles.
Graphics, audio and controls abstracted. GameAPI now compiles.
Finished abstracting audio.
Finished abstracting audio.
Started massive refactor to move all Unity stuff to GameAPI.Unity
Started massive refactor to move all Unity stuff to GameAPI.Unity
Made fog update every frame
Added GameAPI.Unity project.
Added GameAPI.Unity project.
Some minor changes to AI.
More work on AI, almost ready to do some runtime testing now.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
Updated sky prefab and procedural scene
Time of Day update to 2.2.0
Fixed sky prefab sun brightness being 2000 (wut)