257,787 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

11 Years Ago
Renamed metal_improvised_helmet_01 and metal_improvised_helmet_02 to human names
11 Years Ago
Changed settings on torch material
11 Years Ago
"Tools/Update Clothes Models" now changes max texture size to 4096 too
11 Years Ago
Fixed WaterEffects NRE if sky dome is missing
11 Years Ago
Fixed torch by reverting to the last commit by Alex + recreating the material (where the fuck did that go?)
11 Years Ago
Disable dynamic znear in playermodel scene
11 Years Ago
Shit. Done stuff then deleted it.
11 Years Ago
Fixed warnings in the cave_test prefab
11 Years Ago
Restoring deleted weapon files (goosey strikes again)
11 Years Ago
Now using StaticBatchingUtility.Combine on any gameobject tagged Static Batch Root. All children of root must use same material.
11 Years Ago
Fixed warning in IgnoreCollision
11 Years Ago
Tweaked vm torch source anims to fit better with the new torch
11 Years Ago
Updated animal prefabs Updated AI test scene
11 Years Ago
Added AIObstacle.CheckCollision Changed AIObstacle.ClosestPoint policy for points inside the obstacle (should return position of the checked point) Updated AI test scene Made obstacles handle entities inside them in a more stable manner (for real this time) Fixed AILocomotion speed not depending on angle between forward and target vector
11 Years Ago
Removed grass system debug output
11 Years Ago
Made obstacles handle entities inside them in a more stable manner
11 Years Ago
checking in metal plate helmet and textures
11 Years Ago
Added early exit to AILocomotion tick if no movement is required Made AISteering profiler sampling more accurate
11 Years Ago
Added AISense.FindClosestTarget / Danger / Obstacle Added AILocomotion.SnapToGround (no longer called automatically) Made TickSenseAction randomly distribute its calls across frames Removed all WaitForSeconds from the wolf beahviour tree (for testing purposes)
11 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
11 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
11 Years Ago
Fixed voice chat not marking players as active.
11 Years Ago
Fixed voice chat not marking players as active.
11 Years Ago
Changed default farclip to 6000
11 Years Ago
Added client.farclip
11 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.2.0 prerelease 4
11 Years Ago
Made torch normal maps normal maps
11 Years Ago
Edited torch prefab & v_torch to get new torch working.
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] refactoring
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] refactoring
11 Years Ago
Added tools/Update Clothes Models - sets up avatar, humanoid, no material import, warns on extra bones
11 Years Ago
Basic worldmachine island template.
11 Years Ago
Cleaning up unused materials
11 Years Ago
burlap shirt fix...hopefully.
11 Years Ago
color tweak
11 Years Ago
color tweak
11 Years Ago
committing latest burlap clothes source file
11 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
11 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/arcade
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] card types and matching
11 Years Ago
[memory_dungeon] card types and matching
11 Years Ago
Added models, textures, and prefabs for hazmat suit and improvised helmets.
11 Years Ago
added more validation. still plenty of errors though. :(
11 Years Ago
Changed server highscore saving to save a file per game using the serialized highscore data.
11 Years Ago
Changed server highscore saving to save a file per game using the serialized highscore data.
11 Years Ago
Possible fix for duplicate highscores being logged.
11 Years Ago
Possible fix for duplicate highscores being logged.
11 Years Ago
Forgot to add the BoxCollider required component to all the scenes.
11 Years Ago
- Zones now load sub scenes and acts like a "capsule" for managing everything concerning the explicit scene it's awarded. Since we have a ZoneManager around the Zones, this should be all nicely managed within the GameScreen now. - Loading two sub scenes now by default, within Zones. - Doing a stupid BoxCollider intersection test for all spawned zones. This won't work once we have more than two scenes (moving one unintelligently might cause overlap with the third, etc), so will need to move towards a smarter overlap-preventer-scheme. One step at the time though :-) - For now we set up the boundaries of an "island"/"zone" on the root gameobject in each Working/ scene.
11 Years Ago
Reverted CoherentUI to software only (hardware acceleratred mode is laggy, wants vsync) Re-enabled dynamic znear