userAdam Wcancel

34 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

7 Years Ago
added glossy, metal, watermelon body definitions
7 Years Ago
added Oh Shoot! and Manic Mortar missions
7 Years Ago
fix for unit specifc mission UCD filtering. added pyro mission.
7 Years Ago
base MissionProcessor now gets UCD and filters it if a specific unit type has been specified for the mission
7 Years Ago
server now excludes any missions the player currently has from the available mission selection when dishing out missions.
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
added placeholder missions button to menu. missions screen can be viewed and dismissed. missions button activated on connection.
7 Years Ago
currency icon for mission panels
7 Years Ago
can now assign icons to mission definitions. added default placeholder icon.
7 Years Ago
mission titles
7 Years Ago
can now use %v in mission texts and it will be replaced with a colour coded mission Value.
7 Years Ago
mission panels now display correct info/progress
7 Years Ago
mission panel basic layout, script hookups, basic code setup.
7 Years Ago
wip mission UI prefabs
7 Years Ago
added multikill mission processor, mission defs.
7 Years Ago
added healing done mission processor, mission defs
7 Years Ago
rebuild mission DB
7 Years Ago
Added kills mission processor. Added kills mission defs.
7 Years Ago
UnitCombatData now only tracks damage and healing done based on attacking and target teams
7 Years Ago
MissionProcessors now receives player id. Implemented Damage Done mission processor. Added Damage Done mission defs.
7 Years Ago
implemeneted matches won mission processor
7 Years Ago
Added mission defs for matches won
7 Years Ago
Mission completion now rewards the currency value taken from the mission def not a test value. Competed missions are now removed from the missions list of PlayerRecord
7 Years Ago
implemented MPMatchesPlayed
7 Years Ago
MissionProcessors MissionProcessor base Missions are now checked at the end of matches by MissionProcessors (need to implement the processors now)
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
ClientAuthHandler now hands out missions to clients on connection (every time they connect for now). Added MissionDatabase.GetRandom(). MissionProgress is now created at mission assignment, init'd with values from mission def, saved to playerrecord.
7 Years Ago
added MissionDatabase. fixed duplicate ids for an emote and a mission. Databses now spit out errors not warnings when duplicate ids are found.
7 Years Ago
added mission DB tool. blocked out login mission award structure. added test mission defs, built db.
7 Years Ago
merging from main
7 Years Ago
MissionProgress now has a mission slot index. Added MissionProgress list to PlayerRecord.
7 Years Ago
MissionDefinitionSO. MissionScope. MissionType. Added a test mission def.
7 Years Ago