
48 Commits over 397 Days - 0.01cph!

9 Months Ago
Initial commit
1 Year Ago
Max stack size of 64 like that one popular video game Dragged inventory item UI shows thumb Inventory UI tweaks, resize inventory to 40 + 10 slots
1 Year Ago
Add `GameUtil` class Implement `Container.Add()`, `Container.FindFirstSlot()`, `Container.Move()`, write docs & import them using <include ...>
1 Year Ago
Hook up inventory UI
1 Year Ago
Slot can access private members on Container, all mutative operations are documented as such and call Game.AssertServer()
1 Year Ago
Start refactoring into Container, handles networking for all contained Slots Containers have IDs, have "ownership" over slots Containers can have names, implement FindFirstEmptySlot, Add, store all containers inside static list on server
1 Year Ago
Convert everything to use nullables
1 Year Ago
Enable nullables, treat all nullability warnings as errors
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE inside inventory Rebuild node.vmat (didn't have texture??) ResourceNode grants 1 iron ingot per hit for now
1 Year Ago
Cleanup Use iconify for icons, inventoryitem displays item count instead of name Smooth camera Z axis for small changes (better crouching, stairs, etc)
1 Year Ago
Fix nullref inside RecipeLibrary if no recipes exist on an item Interaction refactor "Foundry simple" shader w/ point filtering Placeholder resource node model Basic resource node ent
1 Year Ago
Use separate map for menu scene, designed for that specific purpose
1 Year Ago
Triangulate quads inside obj loader Conveyor is ModelEntity, uses model exported from Hammer w/ hotspot textures
1 Year Ago
Fix chat Set tickrate in project settings Dev map update + full compile Use vmap inside menu scene Tweak menu card styling, don't filter
1 Year Ago
Squash merge of mainmenu branch
1 Year Ago
Code cleanup
1 Year Ago
Card gradient styling tweaks, cleanup
1 Year Ago
Start splitting menu into multiple sections (e.g. Home) Add MenuSectionAttribute, automatically populate navbar based on these Cards accept custom images When in-game, make background very slightly transparent Clean up card styling Cards use smaller gap between lines, lighten button color More consistent card hover effect, just use white for subtext color Remove $small-text Only allow co-op list refresh if there are no servers
1 Year Ago
Tidy up MenuCharacter a bit + give citizen "interest" If you stop moving your mouse the citizen will eventually lose interest in it, and the lookat weight will return back to 0
1 Year Ago
Use adjust-hue, lighten for some scss variables, based on accent color Card gradient underlay Move menu navbar away from window control buttons
1 Year Ago
Quick loading screen implementation Reduce menu character lookat weight when cursor is close
1 Year Ago
Menu citizen looks at mouse
1 Year Ago
Just display server name and player counts in co-op for now
1 Year Ago
Display player counts in co-op card Secondary hover gradient for cards
1 Year Ago
Move MainMenu into Menus/
1 Year Ago
Search for active lobbies in co-op panel Styling tweaks Force IsNewPlayer to false for now
1 Year Ago
Basic main menu layout, temporary logo Menu card tweaks Move all our menu stuff into MainMenu/ Prototype co-op card Simpler menu layout for new users thru cookies Hexagon shape in logo
1 Year Ago
Squashed commit for all the conveyor stuff
1 Year Ago
First pass on runtime-generated conveyor meshes Improved conveyor mesh gen, fits corners better Clean up conveyor meshing code, better UV mapping Set lenient render bounds for conveyor entity mesh Clean up conveyor meshing code Conveyor debug Conveyors take Start, End, and 2 control points
1 Year Ago
tiny inventory style adjustments / fixes Use material icons
1 Year Ago
Make citizen look much less intimidating in inventory menu
1 Year Ago
Inventory UI rework Basic cubic bezier implementation
1 Year Ago
Inventory rewrite
1 Year Ago
Remove crafting bench from dev map Iron plate prefab, update miner & smelter recipes Inventory bugfixes
1 Year Ago
Crafter prefab Miner / smelter prefabs Fix crafting recipes not taking more than 1 of each input from inventory Tidy up building ghosts
1 Year Ago
Hide crafting menu after crafting something Simplify Inventory giving code PlayerControllerMechanic filename reflects class anme Add built-in building placement tool Remove build hammer Fetch inventory items by slot in UI Crafting successful event UI notification system, OnEvent attributes Add prefab reference to crafting recipe Sync BuildToolComponent target, use for building placement Miner prefab tweaks Use warning instead of error for prefabs without tags Hide placement debug stuff behind debug_buildsystem convar Cleanup
1 Year Ago
MenuPanel - set visible class inside OnVisibilityChanged, check for E key as well to close
1 Year Ago
Abstract show/hide into MenuPanel for Inventory/Crafting, add escape to hide
1 Year Ago
Move components into sub-folders, move enums out into their own files
1 Year Ago
Helper method for prefab enumeration Cleanup Auto propagate RunGameEvents Use events to show crafting bench UI Fix NRE when trying to drop blank inventory slot Split dropping and removing logic Basic crafting logic, rename Items to Storage
1 Year Ago
Just use a transform silly!! add Item.IsActive prop Trim unused inputs Interacting uses RMB, ignores buildzone tag Crafting Recipe Library UI cleanup
1 Year Ago
Building placement bounds check Separate build component out logically into multiple files
1 Year Ago
Organise prefabs into folders Fix oversight where entire inv would become highlighted when dropping active item Basic building logic Show character in inventory
1 Year Ago
Inventory debug UI Delete unused pistol/smg prefabs Build hammer prefab 🔨 Highlight active item in hotbar
1 Year Ago
Set max stack size to 100 instead of 64 Half-decent inventory styling Add Item.OnDrop
1 Year Ago
Inventory bugfixes Inventory - trim the fat, move back to prefabs for consistency between all items Split Item into Material and Tool, should help keep things a lot more organised since we can separate their behaviours
1 Year Ago
dev_islands map w/ build dev_islands map as default Build zones Inventory refactor, supports slots, backed by GameResources
1 Year Ago
Initial commit Update .addon, basic inventory Hook inventory UI up Placeholder iron ingot model Iron ingot prefab Debug - give players all item prefabs on spawn Show item names in inventory UI E to open inventory Hotbar UI & inventory logic Shite item dropping