
7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

34 Days Ago
OnChangingLevelMsg -> OnSceneLoadMsg Separate scene loading & finished loading, broadcast to clients as soon as we start loading a new scene
34 Days Ago
Clean up
34 Days Ago
Move SceneLoadOptions into Sandbox.Engine, forward to Sandbox.Game Send SceneLoadOptions over network We only need to worry about ShowLoadingScreen - both IsAdditive and DeleteEverything would be handled by the host and then applied to the fresh snapshot that we send over, so we shouldn't have to worry about those Remove auto-added using
34 Days Ago
protocol++ Cut all this down some more so we're not changing things for no reason
34 Days Ago
Register handler instead of using internal message type (same as before)
34 Days Ago
Make it clear that all of this is called after the scene has loaded, clean up
35 Days Ago
Enable lingering on TCP channel Reload scene data on clients rather than disconnecting and rejoining when calling `Scene.Load` on a networked game