userAlfie Birchcancel

201 Commits over 519 Days - 0.02cph!

3 Months Ago
Update Residential Bed Models to close holes.
3 Months Ago
Updated Residential Beds Materials, LODS and Models
3 Months Ago
Imported Double and Single Residential Bed Props Added Textures and Materials for Residential Beds Setup Residential Bed Prefabs, Colliders and LODS
3 Months Ago
Updated Pushcart Materials and LOD Distance
3 Months Ago
Updated Pushcart Material To Use New Mask Map
3 Months Ago
Updated Trolley and Dolly Props Updated Trolley and Dolly Materials, Textures and Colliders
4 Months Ago
Imported Dolly and Trolley Props Added Textures and Materials for Dolly and Trolleys Setup Dolly and Trolley Prefabs, Colliders and LODS
4 Months Ago
Updated Large Rubbish Skip Colliders Updated Large Rubbish Skip Textures and Materials
4 Months Ago
Imported Large Rubbish Skip Prop Added Textures and Materials for Large Rubbsh Skip Setup Large Rubbish Skip Prefabs, LODS and Colliders
4 Months Ago
Rebuilt Small Rubbish Skip Prefab to have correct Scale and Rotation values Updated Small Rubbish Skip Folder Locations Updated Small Rubbish Collider Locations to be in the correct position
4 Months Ago
Updated Small Rubbish Skip Materials and Textures
4 Months Ago
Imported Small Rubbish Skip Prop Added Textures and Materials for Small Rubbish Skip Setup Small Rubbish Skip Prefabs, LODS and Colliders
4 Months Ago
Updated Small and Large Radioactive Vat Colliders and LODS
4 Months Ago
Imported Small And Large Radioactive Vat Props Setup Radioactive Vats Prefabs, Materials, LODS and Colliders
6 Months Ago
Added Textures, Materials, Models for Other Seed World Models (Hemp,Pumpkin,Potato,Corn) Setup Other Seed World Model Prefabs Setup Other Seed World Model LODS
6 Months Ago
Added Textures, Materials, Models for Berry Seed World Models (Black, Blue, Red, White, Yellow, Green) Setup Berry Seed World Model Prefabs Setup Berry Seed World Model LODS Setup Seed Combine Material
6 Months Ago
Updated Minigun Textures to include Barrel Shadowing
6 Months Ago
Updated Minigun 4K Textures Added Minigun World Model 4K Textures
6 Months Ago
Updated Minigun Textures to incorporate feedback Updated Minigun World Textures to incorporate feedback
6 Months Ago
Deleted Minigun World Model Texture PSD Files Imported Minigun World Model Texture Targa Files Re-Setup Minigun World Model Material
6 Months Ago
Added Minigun 4K Textures
6 Months Ago
Updated Mushroom World Model to have decreased size Imported Mushroom World Model Colliders Switch Mushroom World Model Colliders from Box to Mesh
6 Months Ago
Added a new blooded version of the burlap sack world model for the Head Bag
6 Months Ago
Imported Updated Mushroom World Model FBX Setup Both Mushroom World Model Prefab Variations Updated Mushroom World Model LOD Distance
6 Months Ago
Imported Mushroom World Models Basic Setup of World Model Prefabs
6 Months Ago
merge from main
6 Months Ago
Updated Frontier Hatchet Viewmodel and Worldmodel to have new hand position and updated mesh.
6 Months Ago
Added Minigun Ammo Link for VFX
6 Months Ago
Imported Updated Minigun World Model and LODS Added Minigun Combined Textures and Material Applied Combined Minigun Material to Minigun World Model
6 Months Ago
Added Updated Minigun Textures Updated Minigun Materials
6 Months Ago
Imported Minigun Textures Setup Minigun Materials Applied Minigun Materials to viewmodel
8 Months Ago
Reapplyed Frontier Hatchet Materials to Viewmodel
8 Months Ago
Added Frontier Hatchet World Model
8 Months Ago
Setup Frontier Hatchet Basic Viewmodel Prefab
8 Months Ago
Frontier Hatchet Folder Setup Imported Frontier Hatchet Viewmodel, Materials and Textures
9 Months Ago
Uploaded Pinata Bat FBX, Textures and Materials
9 Months Ago
Created Secondary Icon for Confetti Cannon
10 Months Ago
Added In Confetti Cannon FBX and Materials Started Basic Prefab Setup for Confetti Cannon
10 Months Ago
Updated Legacy Furnace Icon To Correct One Updated Legacy Furnace FBX To Have Correct Scale - More In Line With Normal Furnace Updated Legacy Furnace Prefab To Have Correct Collider SIze
10 Months Ago
Updated Prevent Building Bounds To Prevent Clipping Moved Storage Adaptor To A More Suitable Position
10 Months Ago
Updated and Improved Legacy Furnace Icon to include VFX
10 Months Ago
Updated Legacy Furnace GIBs To Fix Texture Errors
10 Months Ago
Updated Legacy Furnace Emissive Material Fixed Legacy Furnace Not Enabling and Disabling Emissive Material
10 Months Ago
Updated Storage Monitor FBX to include missing faces, so no long to see through the Storage Monitor on certain objects.
10 Months Ago
Updated Legacy Furnace Icon to have correct Lighting
10 Months Ago
Created Place Holder Legacy Furnace Icon
10 Months Ago
Updated Legacy Furnace Prefab
10 Months Ago
Added Legacy Furnace Emission Materials
10 Months Ago
Basic Legacy Furnace prefab setup
10 Months Ago
Updated Legacy Furnace FBX to most recent version