userAlfie Birchcancel

7 Commits over 29 Days - 0.01cph!

4 Months Ago
Updated Minigun Textures to include Barrel Shadowing
4 Months Ago
Updated Minigun Textures to incorporate feedback Updated Minigun World Textures to incorporate feedback
4 Months Ago
Deleted Minigun World Model Texture PSD Files Imported Minigun World Model Texture Targa Files Re-Setup Minigun World Model Material
5 Months Ago
Added Minigun Ammo Link for VFX
5 Months Ago
Imported Updated Minigun World Model and LODS Added Minigun Combined Textures and Material Applied Combined Minigun Material to Minigun World Model
5 Months Ago
Added Updated Minigun Textures Updated Minigun Materials
5 Months Ago
Imported Minigun Textures Setup Minigun Materials Applied Minigun Materials to viewmodel