256,544 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
added dylan's new lifesteal effects to unity project
Updated dungeons with current rock formations progress
- Pass BehaviourPlanData to new Behaviours on creation in DM, and in SmartObject.TrySubscribe
- BCD/BPD tweaks and error avoidance
- Fixed issue with AddCompensationFactorToScore turning scores NaN when a DSE has 0 considerations
- Resourcce.TryHarvest returns bool, outs list of harvested items
- DecisionPlan.ScoreForDecisionMaking returns Parameters property of the same name
Fixed Effect trying to apply stat modifers to Agents that do not have the target Stat
- Editor gui skin, styles, stuff
- Moved some drawers to their own files
- Started making level skins tileset based. WIP
Automated Linux DS Build #81
Automated Linux Build #81
Automated Windows Build #81
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fixed stone world model graphical issues + physics
Automated Linux DS Build #80
removed ability to place locks on some prefabs
* Fix linux compile error + merge a bunch of schweet minor clientside stuff
Plugged a hole with the road intersection polygon bug. Tweaks.
fixed rockets going through building parts
ReorderableListDrawer fixes
Automated Windows Build #79
▇█▌█▇▆▍(▋▅▄▇▄▊) ▄▊▇▆ ▋▍ ▆▇▋ ▆▅▆▇▊▇▆ ▉▄█▇▋▍▄▄▍▇ ▊▅█▌▅ ▄▄ ▉▉▍█▉ ▄▋ ▅▇▉▆▊▅ ▄▊▊▉▉▍▌ ▊▍▄▊▇▇█ ▇▅ ▍▍▅.
adjusted some animations and positions of several viewmodels so they don't clip into camera
ReorderableListDrawer generics, interface, hell.
Pushed back river backface clipping
Cowboy backhand anim + updated forehand meta
- Added Emotes to the Unit debug view
- Added DecisionLayers filtering to DecisionPlanParametersDrawer
- Added DecisionLayerAttribute to pipe in DecisionLayers filtering
re-exported grass mesh and synced its uvmapping up with grass so lightmap works on it properly. repositioned trees and roots. undulated the ground a bit. removed lights, working on light emission. added lightprobes. added normal map for court lines.
added normal map for court lines, undulated grass outer mesh
Added missing occlusion strength
Updated cliff abledos with AO
Mat update
Added free base and detail map ambient occlusion to "Rust/Standard Terrain Blend" (input -> albedo alpha)
-removed now-useless Considerations
- Minor space game update with a few bug fixes, movement change and ability nerfs
Actually fixed GoalSettingsEditor guistyle errors, updated lots of conditions and considerations new getters
- Increased cooldown timers of some abilities
GoalSettingsEditor GUIStyle error fix
- Added DecisionLayers and ConditionTypes enums, abstract getters in ConsiderationSettings, ConditionSettings
- Fixes cs 2646
- Fixed GoalSettingsEditor not showing child goals
- Added some background styling to GoalSettings plan and child listing
- BeforeEditorLayout.DrawContentGroup now takes an optional GUIStyle to use for the container
- FindBestInteractionPlanVariant passes smart_object as DC target
FOR FUCK SAKE asteroid tileset, recenter area C
-made a bunch of Conditions to replace boolean Considerations
- Fixed the way Room creates it's bounding box