256,417 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Road mesh offset scales with road terrain adjustment offset
Padding and fade of hand placed road segments are adjustable
-moved temperature validating onto BiomeManager cause hey, since it now exists it seems like a better place to do it.
Limited road meshes zfight
Culling pass on powerplant_1/military_tunnel_1
Made height offset of hand placed road segments in dungeons adjustable
-deleted a now unnecessary enum
-updated statmodifiers to use a single class, in a manner reminishent of statLinkerBasic
-updated Biomes min-max temperature for those got wiped at some point somehow and broke temperature calculation
-also added a check for that in Zone+Biome to send out a warning
-updated all statmodifier assets to work with the new system (thank you oh lord of the regexes)
Quick grouped mesh culling script for Vince
military_tunnel_1 progress
loot crates placement and polish
compile windows using vs2015
I wandered lonely as a cloud WIP
KDTree updates.
Something fucked up and generation taking fucking ages though.
tweaked the gooseman flies looping effect.
- Added BiomeManager, handles creation of runtime BiomeMaterialLibraries
- Removed goal completion debug spam
Dont init steam in editor
Saved one pass on water geometry after taking my head out of my ass
removed some code that isn't required anymore (was for setting player acceleration in mecanim)
Goals tinkering, people should kill and eat animals now, though hacky hacks are hacky
- Reaper Bros experimenting
- BaseMovement can now be set to ignore collision
- Added an AI follow component that makes a BaseEntity follow a target and can copy it's BaseMovement behaviour
exported roots and trees from zbrush, currently making low poly version in max
Fixed terrain edge transparency problem when sunshafts are enabled
Unit+Attachments sets animator bools correctly
BehaviourChain correctly invokes OnComplete when broken by a failure
Underwater rock materials
Removed rock 12 from underwater spawn table
Underwater clutter placeholders
Terrain painting usability fixes
- LootDrop and LootTable components can now handle ability pickups.
- Added 2% chance for enemies to drop abilities and 5% for crates. (This is temporary, need to move to a more calculated distribution of ability drops, probably)
- Reworked pickup/collectable functionality to be more generic
- Ability pickups can now be... picked up
- Ability bar now auto reloads whenever a new skill is collected (can't manually swap/control it yet though)
Updated special meter effects
Subtractive merge 2531, 2532
Disable PlayWay water so it doesnt fuck with steam build etc
Merge from dungeons_greybox_2
Merge from dungeons_greybox_2