256,243 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
- Model post processor now sets material name setting
- 138 materials that got generated as a result
Mavis flying anims - batch 2
Ramp construction socket (used for roof)
LOD management. Fucking this off though for something else.
- Fixed the 1 pixel border on death screen
FOR FUCK SAKE background camera script, added a condition to avoid error spam
Added maxthreads convar (number of threads to use for the procedural world generation, defaults to processor thread count)
FOR FUCK SAKE planet prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE add light attenuation to subsurface shader
!A simplex noise script
!A planet script
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m249 viewmodel + worldmodel + sounds/special fx
- Added BaseEntityCollider script that can be used to forward hit messages to the owning BaseEntity, so a single BaseEntity can have multiple hit colliders
- Both ends of the LaserLink can now receive damage
- Bouncers now show their own name instead of Booze Burner
- Fixed Money Bags enemy ability. It now sets the entities loot table to have 100% chance to drop cash (and doubles the cash value)
- more laser link wip testing
AK47 - Updated vm reference source with new meshes
Added all LODS base maya file
Added LODs to database
Added textures & materials
AK47 mesh update (now component meshes)
autoturrets won't aggro on eachother if shot by errant rounds
Push back time, dist and slide rate now pulled in from config file
No more StabilityPinPoint
Building prefab updates to the new stability + construction socket backend
Mavis flying anims - batch 2
merge from building_atlases
TopTier part folder cleanup
Atlased toptier, combined previously separate meshes to reduce drawcalls
New batched meshes
Buffers for the Special Meters.
building up temple grass mesh
Missing serve meters in UI\Newest Textures\In-Game.
Added UI\Newest Textures folder and In-Game UI textures.
Entity object list maintain
Entity object list maintain
Always clamp FOV to a valid range
Changed logo file from CMYK to RGB
Put the Z distance check back in
Can now alter push back time / distance / speed
-temp fix for people not holding on to their items.
- Enemies no longer show on minimap