userBill Bcancel

10 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

8 Months Ago
Semi-implemented the safe zone and owner protection stuff for HAB purchasing
8 Months Ago
S2P bandit camp scene
8 Months Ago
Rewrote conversation_airwolf_response_interested from "I'd like to buy a helicopter" to "I'd like to buy an aircraft"
8 Months Ago
Added support for spawning non-vehicles at Air Wolf. VehicleSpawner now uses a new IVehicleSpawnUser interface instead of BaseVehicle. BaseVehicle and HotAirBalloon now both implement IVehicleSpawnUser.
8 Months Ago
Scrap heli doesn't need this fuel override
8 Months Ago
Realised HAB collision issues are a bit different than I thought. Fixed layers etc.
8 Months Ago
Converted HAB armour to use all convex colliders, so that satchel charges/C4 will stick
8 Months Ago
HAB armour icon mip maps
8 Months Ago
Added icon for HAB armour item
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HAB Armor