userBill Bcancel

7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Years Ago
Add LockType using statement as well
4 Years Ago
Move method to server only
4 Years Ago
More rigorous mount check for ModularCar. Things like TriggerMount which call AttemptMount directly will no longer be able to bypass mount eligibility in cars.
4 Years Ago
Refactored TriggerPlayerForce to be server-side only like TriggerForce, retaining support for pushing NPCs as well by added ApplyInheritedVelocity overrides to NPCPlayer and BaseNpc.
4 Years Ago
Ignore TriggerMount if noclipping
4 Years Ago
Exclude NPCs from TriggerMount
4 Years Ago
Fixed mount triggers being triggerable from outside the car