userBill Bcancel

6 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Remove Debris layer from TrainTriggerParent. Other vehicles already have it off. Dropped items behave better when not parented (and are still kept somewhat in place by friction).
1 Year Ago
Server compile fix
1 Year Ago
Added ColliderInfo scripts to the colliders on all WorldModels that didn't have one. Set it to automatically happen in DoPrepare. Settings: Usable + Opaque. Removed the slow code in This replicates the previous behaviour of being on the Debris layer (while still letting them collide with vehicles now).
1 Year Ago
Server projectiles like rockets now respect ColliderInfo (previously ignored it)
1 Year Ago
Add ColliderInfo component to the collider on dropped items so that bullets and melee still passes through. This is rather slow (~0.5ms per item to add it) so I'll change this later to have the ColliderInfo already on the items. Just testing for now.
1 Year Ago
Moved item drops to the Ragdoll layer (will add handling to have them act the same as they did on the Debris layer, i.e. bullets etc passing through)