userBill Bcancel

19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Fixed fuel tank interaction not working with keycodes
1 Year Ago
Vehicle keypad entry now supports all interaction types (storage etc), not just mounting
1 Year Ago
Player dying while entering a keycode in the vehicle lift keypad no longer locks it into Occupied state
1 Year Ago
Set lock destroy health to 20%
1 Year Ago
Fixed cryptic networking errors when spawning a car. It seems that you can't create new class instances inside a Load method. CarLock was being created there in some situations. Fixed car locks getting errors if the save file had a null lock code.
1 Year Ago
ModularCarLock revert Save changes
1 Year Ago
Fixed the vehicle code lock light state not always being visually correct on loading from save. Modular car now has its own code lock protobuf content. Manifest rebuild.
1 Year Ago
Fixed server compile issue. Fixed changing lock code at the lift not updating the UI.
1 Year Ago
Fixed z fighting on module code locks. Fixed visuals not updating immediately after lock removal.
1 Year Ago
Code lock entry fail effect now plays on all code locks attached to the vehicle
1 Year Ago
Code entry UI and functionality on the vehicle itself. More bug fixes.
1 Year Ago
Fixed car lock conditional refresh not always triggering
1 Year Ago
Fixed client-stuff that the server was referencing - send a 'using keycode' flag over to the server. Also moved isOpen in UIDialog to client-side only.
1 Year Ago
Fixed some UI issues
1 Year Ago
Getting the keypad entry dialog working as a sub-dialog of the vehicle lift UI panel
1 Year Ago
Code-entry dialog works at the vehicle lift. Other bug fixes. Opening a UI dialog from another doesn't work too well, so I'll likely try integrating the keycode dialog into the vehicle lift one.
1 Year Ago
Setting up ability to set and change code from a vehicle lift
1 Year Ago
Option to destroy a lock on a modular car now becomes available at 25% module health (was 15%). Still WIP, ported all basic code lock functionality to modular car locks.
1 Year Ago
WIP replacing modular car key locks with code locks