userCarson Komponcancel

40 Commits over 31 Days - 0.05cph!

7 Months Ago
Added Undo/Redo support to Tileset Tools
7 Months Ago
Added TileScale to TilesetResource. Changes scale of placed tiles. Fixed some TilesetComponent collision faces facing the wrong way Added support for rotating tiles of size larger than 1,1
7 Months Ago
OnAnimationComplete is now run on the main thread so code isn't unknowingly run on other threads
7 Months Ago
Fix AspectRatio returning 1 (even when not 1) for single frame sprites
7 Months Ago
TileAtlas now properly adds bleeding tiles for tiles of sizes larger than 1,1
7 Months Ago
Created TileAtlas class which will create a new texture from a Tileset that adds 1px of bleed around each tile so you don't see UV seems at medium-to-far zoom levels. Rewrote TilesetComponent to use TileAtlas w some other minor optimizations
7 Months Ago
Don't show base Collider Properties in the Tileset Tool Inspector TilesetComponent now has proper collisions. Also cleaned up the Rebuild function
7 Months Ago
Various minor optimizations
7 Months Ago
More example scene stuff NRE fix Only draw Collision Gizmo when TilesetComponent is selected Draw Missing Tiles (When a placed unbaked tile has their referenced tile deleted/regenerated)
7 Months Ago
Don't draw tiles with broken id references, don't rent those verts Don't draw multi-tile brush in non-paint tool. Added Rotation and Flip variables w/ Shortcuts Can now place rotated/flipped tiles. Updated example again
7 Months Ago
Paint Tool can now paint tiles larger than size 1x1
7 Months Ago
Added Tile Picker to Tileset Tool Inspector
7 Months Ago
Added "Bake Selected Layer" button to Tileset Tool. This detaches any placed tiles from their references.
7 Months Ago
Tileset Tool Inspector NRE fix Tiles are referenced by Guid instead of CellPosition. Allows you to edit existing tiles after being placed already Update example scene to use guid format Fix Deserialization on TilesetComponent.Tile
7 Months Ago
Fixed a bunch of NREs when Layer(s) or Tile(s) weren't set yet. Also fixed tools not updating when certain properties were changed in the inspector
7 Months Ago
Fix Rectangle Tool Delete Gizmo displaying incorrectly Rectangle Tool optimizations and bug fixes Make TilesetComponent.Tiles a Dictionary instead of a List so position lookup is much more easy/optimal Add Collider generation to Tileset Component Added TileComponent.HasCollider, defaults to false. Rebuild TilesetComponent collision on tile add/remove. Can mark a Layer as a Collision Layer. Collision Mesh will only be generated from this layer.
7 Months Ago
Right Click with Rectangle Tool will delete
7 Months Ago
Added Rectangle Tool Tileset Tool Inspector now shows Properties on the currently selected tool. Added Separation to Line Tool and Hollow to Rectangle Tool
7 Months Ago
Round calculated line positions instead of flooring them (prevents lines from looking oddly curved at certain angles)
7 Months Ago
Did some minor tileset optimizations. Added Line Tool to Tileset Tool Update example project assets
7 Months Ago
Update Shortcuts to use the new Editor Keybinds system
7 Months Ago
Fix layer index on Tile Tools Add EraseTileTool. Choose when preview tile renders Added Shortcuts using new Shortcut attribute Don't draw tileset tool sceneobject when no subtool is selected
7 Months Ago
Update TilesetComponent.Tile and UVs on drawing Fix TilesetTool NRE Setup BaseTileTool for Tileset Subtools Added PaintTileTool for painting tiles Fix tile drawing so higher layers are drawn above lower ones.
7 Months Ago
Added Click and Drag to move tiles in Tileset Editor
7 Months Ago
Fix divide by zero error when dragging sprite with single frame in first animation Support TileSize of non-square size. Draw grid accordingly. Push the example assets for now since old ones are ancient
7 Months Ago
Remove cooldown on resize so it's snappier Added Multi-Select to Tiles List and supported MultiEdit in the Selected Tile Inspector. Adding/Removing tiles no longer rebuilds entire list, only makes necessary changes. Also fixed a few NREs from previous commit Can remove from selection when CTRL selecting in tile list Can now MultiSelect from gizmos directly Can now create new tile even if tiles have yet to be generated. Will use current settings from Setup tab. Updated warning box text in Tiles tab to fit. Update inspector when adding first tile/removing last.
7 Months Ago
Adding/Removing tiles by clicking on gizmos are part of the undo stack Tiles have their own Guid now. This does not get serialized and are assigned on load Don't allow to box to resize into others. Prevent deselecting gizmo when resizing up-left LabelTextEntry text now updates when property updates (if it was edited elsewhere) Added "Selected Tile" section to Tileset Editor Inspector Put Selected Tile section in an Expand Group so we can have ControlSheet groups within that are less confusing Display [ReadOnly] Index in Selected Tile group Removed TilesetResource.SheetRect and replaced it with two Vector2Ints (Position and Size). Fixed can drag logic on Corners
7 Months Ago
Draw selected widget above others Add CornerDrag Gizmos to Selected Tile. Change cursor when hovering based on direction. Show as hidden when movement is invalid. Can click and drag Corners to resize the tile. Bunch of updates to invalid resize checks
7 Months Ago
Move Editor Controls to Controls folder Clean up some tile control styling Added SelectedTile to Tileset Editor. Can select from list. Deleted tiles show as ghost tiles, selected tile is highlighted and is a different colour. Can click on Tile Gizmo to select it, right click to delete. Deleting selected tile will select first tile it can. Clicking on ghost tile creates tile at that position. Make necessary fixes to allow swapping out sheets
7 Months Ago
Organized Editor folder and made LabelTextEntry agnostic with OnStopEditing action Add Name to TileResource.Tile Fix not used warning Add EmptyValue to LabelTextEntry Add PixmapCache for creating cropped pixmaps from textures Use PixmapCache in SpriteEditor Created TileListControl and TileControl for TilesetEditor. Shows list of all created tiles. Shows preview icon. Can be renamed/reordered/ect.
7 Months Ago
Add Regenerate Tiles button with warning beneath explaining what it will do Only show warning when tiles already exist Display image in Preview when set/updated. Show import gizmos when in setup tab. Show WarningBox with a different message when trying to view Tiles tab with no Tiles Generate Tiles button generates tiles from shown import gizmos. Doesnt display in Tiles tab yet Start on Tiles tab if Tileset already has Tiles Onlyu display new import gizmos when no tiles exist or when hovering the Regenerate Button Added "Delete All Tiles" button when resource has tiles. When undoing/redoing an action the inspector will rebuild appropriately Added Tile Gizmos. Hovering over a Tile Gizmo will highlight it. Implemented TilesetResource.CurrentTileSize so Setup variable can affect current tiles (with optional regeneration button)
7 Months Ago
MultiPick -> MultiSelect Add SegmentedControl to Tileset Editor with Setup and Tiles tabs Tileset Editor undo/redo works properly now and has undo steps for properties changing
7 Months Ago
Add Inspector to Tileset Editor Add RenderingWidget/Preview to Tileset Editor Add base settings to TilesetEditor Inspector. Minor changes to TilesetResource
7 Months Ago
Move SpriteRenderingWidget up to SpriteTools namespace Move SpritesheetImporter from SpriteTools.SpriteEditor namespace to SpriteTools namespace and make import an Action that SpriteEditor hooks into. Hook up SpritesheetImporter to TilesetEditor window
7 Months Ago
Updated TileResource structure and prepared for creating Tileset Editor Move UndoStack from SpriteTools.SpriteEditor to SpriteTools namespace Removed AllWindows from SpriteEditor. Removed some debug logs from SpriteEditor. StateCookie is based on resource opened More updates to TilesetResource. TilesetResource is titled "2D Tileset" and Tileset Component is "2D Tileset component". Added SpriteComponent and TilesetComponent to "2D" category Basic TilesetEditor (Empty Window for now. Fitted with asset saving/loading, toolbars, undostack, ect.
7 Months Ago
Fix e defined but not set Removed unused variable viewerPosition Show preview tile under cursor when in Tileset Tool. Fit to Grid nicely
7 Months Ago
Import some tile assets Test Tileset Resource TilesetLayerControl deletes on right click without the additional popup Rebuild TilesetToolInspector when Selected Layer changes. Serialize Selected Layer as part of the ControlSheet Fixed TilesetComponent SceneObject vertex maths. Each layer now gets its own material, sharing materials between layers if same atlas is used. Update Grid Size to follow Tileset size Fix Selected Layer inspector update TilesetComponent NRE fixes
7 Months Ago
Ask for confirmation before deleting animation w/ right click Added .Copy() functions to Tile and Layer classes TilesetToolInspector NRE fix Added Context Menu to TilesetLayerControl Fix TilesetLayerListControl Height Create TilesetSceneObject for drawing tiles in a single Graphics.Draw call. Replace Delete IconButton with Lock Button.
7 Months Ago
Added Dragging to re-order Layers Change Height of Layer Scroll Area Darken the layer being dragged
7 Months Ago
Moved existing Code files into a "Sprite" folder Create Tileset folder and add a basic TilesetResource Add empty TilesetComponent with stripped Tile class. Will optimize this further later. Began basic Tileset Tool, Draw grid with gizmo instead Create TilesetToolInspector, rebuild on hotload Strip TilesetComponent.Tile class and add TilesetComponent.Layer class TileMapTools -> TilesetTools. Add ControlSheet to TilesetToolInspector Create GameObject w Component when necessary Added SelectedLayer and Active to TilesetTool. Tileset Tool Header shows Selected Layer Created Layer List Widget and Layer Widget, displays in both ToolInspector and TileComponent TilesetComponent.Layers is now a property under the Layers group