
62 Commits over 276 Days - 0.01cph!

5 Days Ago
concrete decals
16 Days Ago
adobe wall and gate bug fixes. frontier wall and gate gibs and lods.
18 Days Ago
adobe wall and gate gibs and collision
27 Days Ago
adobe wall and gate lods
30 Days Ago
adobe fixes
31 Days Ago
adobe folder structure fixes
31 Days Ago
adobe fixes
32 Days Ago
adobe wall texture fixes
33 Days Ago
Adobe walls prpgress
2 Months Ago
fixed pivot points on construction meshes
2 Months Ago
siege tower ladders lod and x form fixes. wheels added to guide mesh
2 Months Ago
siege tower gibs fix. collision for new ladders
2 Months Ago
Siege tower gibs. Updated plank texture
2 Months Ago
siege tower construction mesh lods. lod fixes. guide mesh.
3 Months Ago
drawbridge lods and ladders
3 Months Ago
drawbridge lods
3 Months Ago
siege tower lods
3 Months Ago
fixed drawbridge material ids
3 Months Ago
drawbridge anim fixes
3 Months Ago
siege tower animations
3 Months Ago
siege tower bug fixes. added construction meshes
3 Months Ago
siege tower art update
4 Months Ago
siege tower update
5 Months Ago
siege tower wip
5 Months Ago
adobe wall and gate first pass
5 Months Ago
gibs and guides for frontier gates and walls
5 Months Ago
lods and collision for frontier walls
5 Months Ago
frontier gate lods and collision
5 Months Ago
frontier wall updates
5 Months Ago
frontier gate and wall meshes
6 Months Ago
divesite fixes
6 Months Ago
divesite fixes
6 Months Ago
cleaing up divesite. collision and lods
6 Months Ago
unpacked prefabs for divesite
6 Months Ago
more seaweed placement. plane lods
6 Months Ago
adding seaweed
6 Months Ago
changed rocks
6 Months Ago
skeleton first pass
6 Months Ago
seaweed pass
6 Months Ago
divesite container update
6 Months Ago
started plane barnacles
6 Months Ago
divesite containers
7 Months Ago
plane changes
7 Months Ago
lobster trap first pass
7 Months Ago
plane update
7 Months Ago
divesite latest
7 Months Ago
divesite block in and plane test assets
7 Months Ago
binbag fixes
7 Months Ago
bin bag props added
7 Months Ago
radhouse apartments and radiator collision fix