
61 Commits over 578 Days - 0.00cph!

3 Months Ago
Change notif colors
3 Months Ago
Add notifications to all players for pickups
3 Months Ago
Added player nameplates
4 Months Ago
Implement blocks_exploded stat
4 Months Ago
Fix spread disease - disable spreader during teleportation disease
4 Months Ago
Implement disease achievement - can pass disease onto other players by touching them
4 Months Ago
Implement Pooper achievement / stat Implement Go Faster Stripes achievement Implement consecutive win / Winning Streak achievement Implement Ace! achievement
5 Months Ago
Revert - i think this was related to callback batch changes
5 Months Ago
Good measure
5 Months Ago
Potentially fix collision iussue
5 Months Ago
Fixed pickup display stylesheet
5 Months Ago
Bandaid for ragdoll controller exception (but why is Physics null here)
6 Months Ago
Fix most of the UI
7 Months Ago
Add Spawn Pickup Chance variable to Breakable prefab (awesome)
8 Months Ago
More fixes
8 Months Ago
Fixed other players not receiving chat
8 Months Ago
Use capsule + FindMode.EverythingInSelfAndAncestors when finding comps from bomb explosion
8 Months Ago
Enable fix unstuck again on move controller for bomb royale player
8 Months Ago
Make Bomb Royale "Quick Play"
8 Months Ago
Current state object becomes owned by new host when current host disconnects
8 Months Ago
Update bomb trace range. Player use capsule collider
8 Months Ago
Fixed Update move
8 Months Ago
Respawn players in lobby state too
8 Months Ago
Remove this logic
8 Months Ago
Use display name from connection Player dont collide with player (move helper will still collide)
8 Months Ago
Don't show full lobbies
8 Months Ago
Add time since last connect to prevent join spam for lobby Set launch mode to normal
8 Months Ago
Remove this log, add resources
8 Months Ago
Add post processing effects Better ragdoll + remove disease when time is up Implement Drop Random Bomb and Teleport disease effects Add break method but I think model needs updating break pieces Fixed a bunch of collision issues - pickups destroy when exploded Winner display fixes. Lobby state = paused
8 Months Ago
Add custom Move Controller as need to override some Character Controller behavior Add references in prefab instead of finding them in OnAwake. Add passable ignore layer tag for Move Controller Re-implement pause system for states Added initial Disease support with sprite. Added initial Pickup system with sprites. Better bomb collision logic(?) Use ITriggerListener (duh) can now pickup pickups Fix lives showing for empty player slots Need to make all Bombable objects Networked Objects
8 Months Ago
New project structure Move most synchronized variables to HostSync - add wrapper for HoldingBomb Only the host can call Respawn Show respawn effect at the correct position when respawning Start adding Bomb placement logic with networking Update some obsoletes Better collision logic for Player vs Bomb (I think ) Add SolidBlock component. Update all border blocks to have solid tag. Add ParticleSimulator Make sure player stays on ground (until find a better way to do conditional collision with bomb per player) IResettable -> IRestartable. Implement OnRestart for Bombs. Bombs can hit players Add player death logic. Start trying to implement death ragdolls
11 Months Ago
Add GetPlayer (by slot) and separate internal player list and players enumerable
11 Months Ago
Change lobby time temp. Comment out respawn effect for now Use BombRoyale.Players where possible. Fix IResettable. Make AddPlayer method instead
11 Months Ago
Player movespeed based on disease. Initial bomb vars Keep list of players by slot to avoid using Scene.GetAllComponents all the time. Fully update PlayerCard
11 Months Ago
Initial health system, respawn logic
11 Months Ago
Update active state on OnAwake instead so can set initial vars immediately
11 Months Ago
Fix timeleft Set initial lobby time to 30s
11 Months Ago
Hide pickups if player is isvalid Add better state system
11 Months Ago
Add Round Add base round states / winner props Add round display hud integration Add @attribute StyleSheet for all panels Update round display when time or round name changes Change hud screen scale. Port over old chatbox Clamp time left Fixed fonts (use proper name not file name)
11 Months Ago
Give 'em some clothes
11 Months Ago
Player spawns Camera, Movement, Spawning, ScreenShake Port
11 Months Ago
Bomb prefab, game manager component Player prefab
11 Months Ago
Make breakable, block into prefabs. update scene to link all the objects to prefab Bombable Add bombable comp Update shader to what I think is right now
11 Months Ago
Make Hud PanelComponent - fix Lobby UI Initial work to convert vmap to scene
11 Months Ago
Lobby page
11 Months Ago
Convert UI first, comment out loads of stuff that doesn't exist yet
11 Months Ago
Initial commit
1 Year Ago
Fixed resources
1 Year Ago
Updated for input actions
1 Year Ago
Updated pickup colors