
32 Commits over 153 Days - 0.01cph!

2 Years Ago
Fixed some stuff Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer Fix up
2 Years Ago
Updated Boomer to support new Client Input stuff Merge branch 'main' into custom-client-input Merge pull request #16 from Facepunch/custom-client-input Custom client input
2 Years Ago
vfx > shader recompile all materials correct coffin path fixed models using the incorrect materials set the music volume the volume bar in the boomer settings wasn't setting the volume correctly Killed obsolete hitbox code, replaced with hitbox tags Merge branch 'main' into custom-client-input
2 Years Ago
Updated Boomer to support new Client Input stuff
3 Years Ago
Fix projectile deviation when aiming close to a non-solid Fix nail gun climbing if you've shot at something that is non-solid (like a pickup) Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
3 Years Ago
Fixed Q to switch between last weapon
3 Years Ago
Remove old code
3 Years Ago
Only give weapons using GiveAll command if player does not already have that weapon Clean up the inventory system for Boomer and implement Q to switch Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
3 Years Ago
Parent nails that hit entities to the entity they hit
3 Years Ago
Fixed Lightning Gun + fixed Nail Gun errors
3 Years Ago
Test :S
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Fix LightningGun DamageModifier prediction + add GrenadeProjectile and have GrenadeLauncher use it so we can distinguish for the kill feed
3 Years Ago
Update GrenadeLauncher and RocketLauncher to use projectile's attacker and projectile as weapon
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Destroy laser particle when lightning gun is destroyed
3 Years Ago
Reverse airshot logic
3 Years Ago
Test to fix lighting particles network
3 Years Ago
More tweaks to consecutive
3 Years Ago
Tweak how consecutive kills are calculated
3 Years Ago
Actually fixed it
3 Years Ago
Fix sprees and consecutives
3 Years Ago
Only play sound to attacker
3 Years Ago
Don't play headshot sound for damage when it has the Blast flag
3 Years Ago
Only play headshot sound if it was a kill
3 Years Ago
Add GiveAirshotAward virtual property to DeathmatchWeapon and add it for RailGun and RocketLauncher Fixed all pickups running code client-side that should be server-side only Add Award class and all basic award types (some don't have the announcer sound yet) Add test GiveAwardCmd (admin-only) and first player death tracker for First Blood Add ConsecutiveKills and SpreeKills, as well as track domination kills and give all awards accordingly Add basic award UI to be styled later Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
3 Years Ago
Some cleanup + fix BouncingProjectile impact logic More tidy up
3 Years Ago
Add BouncingProjectile.BounceSoundMinimumVelocity and set in GrenadeLauncher
3 Years Ago
Add BulletDropWeapon.AdjustProjectileVelocity Improve BouncingProjectile logic to use correct values for Reflect Fixed HealthKit Adjusted projectile starting velocity and bounciness for grenade launcher Added BouncingProjectile.BounceSound Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
3 Years Ago
Fixed rocket jumping
3 Years Ago
Use same effect and sound for explosion for grenade as rocket
3 Years Ago
Added WeaponUtil and Vector3Extension Add ProjectileSimulator and implement for BoomerPlayer Remove GLGrenade and NailProjectile Update all projectile weapons to use ProjectileSimulator and BulletDropWeapon / BulletDropProjectile classes Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer Fix merge conflicts