
15 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Added blocks_shine atlas and a bunch of dummy images for existing blocks
1 Year Ago
Converted Tooltip to Razor
1 Year Ago
Fix airdrop icon render distances
1 Year Ago
Use shift for sprint + ctrl for duck. Remove block sneaking (for now) because it's terrible, plus it may not be needed now we have block ghosts
1 Year Ago
Fixed icon render distance and color for hud icons
1 Year Ago
Fixed materials on all resource pools
1 Year Ago
Use other grass clump models
1 Year Ago
Implement HasHovered
1 Year Ago
Health bar and stamina bar percentage values are not parented to the moving bar
1 Year Ago
Set block placement ghost to team color and reduce opacity
1 Year Ago
Fix unused SCSS property Team list has a blur and background Fixed team core list not showing / updating on game start
1 Year Ago
Doubled the health of each team's core
1 Year Ago
Add Util.Draw for now until we have a nice draw lib
1 Year Ago
Use new shaders for cw_color_1 and cw_nocolor_1
1 Year Ago
Updated for new inputs + fixed various obsolete errors with Render.* some have no alternatives yet