
37 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

30 Days Ago
No need to store as Base64 encoded string anymore
31 Days Ago
Use discard var here
31 Days Ago
Fix this formatting :(
31 Days Ago
Refactor to use Component.INetworkSnapshot for sending initial world data
34 Days Ago
Fix IsValid logic
34 Days Ago
Remove random using statement
34 Days Ago
Added VoxelChangeListener. Listen for modifications within any volume. Added TestListenerComponent
35 Days Ago
Use block type icon and tint color for inventory icons if applicable
35 Days Ago
Add items for the 4 current block types
35 Days Ago
Blocks must specify item type if want to drop
35 Days Ago
Fixed position for dropped block
35 Days Ago
Fixed block item temp world model
35 Days Ago
Fixed some issues in hotbar
35 Days Ago
Get rid of BlockItem - do it another hacky way for now, solve this problem of multiple item types later Fix
35 Days Ago
Add BlockItem. Make some stuff in Item virtual. Add Item.Name (virtual). Can use BlockItem.Create( Block, int ) to create a block item.
35 Days Ago
Add [JsonIgnore, Hide] to BlockToIndex
35 Days Ago
Remove AllowedTools in favor of a GatherSourceKind (MaterialKind) on the Block defintion. Remove MinimumEffectiveness from the defintion too as it'll be unused in Zik's damage system
35 Days Ago
Added Block types. Update to use Block references. Added Palette.GetBlockIndex( Block ). Blocks can define tags, a name, max health and breakable settings / damage scales - @Metapyziks will implement health / block damage with this stuff
36 Days Ago
Added [KeyProperty] Name to Palette entries
36 Days Ago
Make default temperature for a Biome asset be 0.5 instead of 0
36 Days Ago
Reset block types in the example Biome asset files
36 Days Ago
Added simple Biome system. Completely inactive right now - but can add a BiomeSampler component and add which Biome asset types you want in the generation. Can easily get which Biome you're in from X, Z voxel coordinates. The sampling code is basic right now, determines biome based on a temperature noise map and each Biome asset determines their temperature. Right now Biome assets can only determine the block types that are used in generation.
36 Days Ago
Can only MoveOne or Split to slots when the target slot is the same item type
36 Days Ago
Only drop to world item when dragging if we're over the back panel
36 Days Ago
Fix dropping item by dropping out of slot
36 Days Ago
Don't create whole new item when moving one if there's only one to move
36 Days Ago
Item now implements IValid
36 Days Ago
Forgot to rename inventory UI stylesheet
36 Days Ago
Add ItemDragType. Implement moving one item from stack, or splitting stack in half and moving. Drag outside of any slot to drop the item in the world (untested.)
36 Days Ago
More doc
36 Days Ago
Some extra docs
36 Days Ago
Completely client-auth inventory, remove networking for now. Improve world item pickup to reduce/eliminate possibility of two players picking up the item / duplication.
38 Days Ago
Put these behind a IsHost - we should be able to let anyone "own" an Inventory, but only the host can modify it Name inventory let channel own it Include resources
38 Days Ago
My item def became corrupted
38 Days Ago
Try our luck updating Hud prefab
38 Days Ago
Forgot player.cs test code
38 Days Ago
Some kind of networked inventory v0.1 - turns out it's a PITA (let's resolve that another time). Item definitions can define prefabs for when an item is consumed/equipped (not impl yet), can also define a custom Item prefab for even more extensibility., world model etc for future. Basic API for giving an item (host), moving an item from one Inventory to another based on slot id. Mostly everything is component/game object based but Inventories must be Host controlled.