
452 Commits over 730 Days - 0.03cph!

1 Year Ago
Remove old log, fix resource paths, have color/nocolor use simple shader, remove pixel-snap scss props
1 Year Ago
Add logs for repro
1 Year Ago
Use exclusive list for maps for now (Green Lands or Eclipse) Fixed Simple Terry model not compiling (incorrect anim paths now) Convert to new Input Actions (later make proper bindings for each action / hotkey) Fix typo attack2 -> attack1 Model re-compile + fix glass shader on bubble guard (kinda) When setting size of RangeEntity also set render bounds
2 Years Ago
All the latest pain
2 Years Ago
Player -> RTSPlayer
2 Years Ago
Update For Pain
2 Years Ago
Fixed up RTS (now just to do Razor upgrade D:)
2 Years Ago
Fixed glows. Updated for new inputs. Fixed hotload error. Fixed rounds Fix minimap fog being rotated the wrong way. Fix models on units by just giving them a bunch remove obsolete CitizenClothing class. Alter camera Fixed ghost building glow and alpha Pathmanager async changes Merge pull request #150 from Facepunch/custom-client-input RTS Updates
3 Years Ago
Improve with properly threaded flowfield creation and add Eclipse to map set
3 Years Ago
Remove debug log in threaded pathfinder initialization
3 Years Ago
Remove debug log in threaded pathfinder initialization
3 Years Ago
Fixed everything. Collisions stuff uses the new collision matrix. Fix fog of war. Fixed PhysicsMotionType.Static not being Keyframed.
3 Years Ago
Fixed various RTS pointer event errors
3 Years Ago
Pain Day 3
3 Years Ago
Remove fgd and use Display attribute
3 Years Ago
Update .addon
3 Years Ago
Player can right click on the minimap to move their selected units to that location (can also still hold Shift/Run to queue)
3 Years Ago
When using a passive ability, all selected units of the same type will also use that ability
3 Years Ago
Check for valid selection entities in the player for cases when a unit is destroyed but it isn't ours
3 Years Ago
Remove justify-items from SCSS code (it isn't valid) and fixed NRE in SelectedItem
3 Years Ago
Only show path particles if the unit belongs to you
3 Years Ago
Implement diminishing returns for workers constructing a building Ensure that units are evicted from vehicles properly when they are destroyed Fixed the Tesla Coil Fixed the nuke ability and silo hatch animation Restored glow functionality using new Glow component
3 Years Ago
Don't use a thread for now
3 Years Ago
Fixed line of sight calculation
3 Years Ago
Add OccupiableSettings.MinLightOfSightAdd and MaxLightOfSightAdd
3 Years Ago
Use override
3 Years Ago
Grunts move faster and are cheaper Assault units now take 25s to build Medics have a larger heal range and heal faster and for longer Increased Heavy Health to 175 Increased attack and line of sight radius of Rocketman Increased DPS of Pyro/Cyro and decreased construction cost Decreased DPS of attack drones. Added medic heal ability to Bubble Drone Increased DPS of Hellfire and decreased construction costs Make it clearer what Apache and Buggy require Increase DPS of Tank and Plasma Tank and health of Buggy, speed of Buggy and APC Decreased Command Centre cost Adjusted upgrade costs for command centre and decreased upgrade time Vastly increased Watch Tower LOS Increased effective range of the Radar Jammer Added OccupantGrantsLineOfSight and have Watchtower and Pillbox use it Increased SAM site range and LOS Updated description of Basic Ballistics to emphasize that it affects ANY projectile type
3 Years Ago
Added Requires Occupant label for the Buggy and Apache Units with an occupant will display that occupant on the hud like buildings do (and will do so for other players too)
3 Years Ago
Added BaseBuilding.MaxConstructed and set MaxConstructed for Pub to be 15 (90 population) Scale the stock of all resource types by 1.5x (too much?) Doubled the time it takes for a worker to gather resources
3 Years Ago
Fixed all Texture.Load calls to pass in FileSystem.Mounted
3 Years Ago
Updated RTS for Pain Day 2 (commented out glow stuff until there is an alternative)
3 Years Ago
Update all Texture.Load calls to pass FileSystem.Mounted as the first param
3 Years Ago
Remove old FGDs
3 Years Ago
Various fixes to RTS to get it to a runnable state
3 Years Ago
Update .addon
3 Years Ago
Fix RTS by replacing FuncBrush with BrushEntity
3 Years Ago
Fixed RTS
3 Years Ago
Occupiable tooltip only shows when occupation possible + regex match for key bindings in description string
3 Years Ago
Fusion Reactor implementation
3 Years Ago
Added rudimentary tooltip for buildings that can occupy units to instruct players how to do it
3 Years Ago
Added UIUtility to Gamelib
3 Years Ago
Let's just try moving Transmit = Always to the constructor instead of Spawn() - I don't know why else these map entities wouldn't show on the client sometimes
3 Years Ago
Remove Cooldown Label and Build Time Label. Added IconWithLabel. Added icons for Kills, Damage and Health.
3 Years Ago
Removed Spotlight from the game - it's actually pretty annoying
3 Years Ago
Added black blurred shadow behind tooltip titles to make some colored ones more readable
3 Years Ago
Added Cooldown Label and Build Time Label and support in the tooltips to display that information
3 Years Ago
Typo: Transform -> Transport
3 Years Ago
Added Item Label system + UI. Added labels to existing units: Support, Attacks Aircraft, Gatherer, Builder
3 Years Ago
Added a win condition check (no workers / command centres) and game summary screen showing winning team group list
3 Years Ago
Group similar resources that are clustered together into a single minimap icon