
452 Commits over 730 Days - 0.03cph!

3 Years Ago
Temporarily disabled flocking behaviour as it refuses to respect the flow field. Made optimizations to flow field calculation speed. Removed asynchronous generation of static collisions for now.
3 Years Ago
test Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Added PathResult to determine whether a path could be calculated
3 Years Ago
Oops, commit this material
3 Years Ago
Added placeholder boxes so people know these buildings models are temporary
3 Years Ago
Fixed Fog Manager
3 Years Ago
Temporarily remove Recoil on the Tank until its done by the animation graph
3 Years Ago
Added fully functional tank unit and updated Weapon to support a bunch of new stuff.
3 Years Ago
Implemented blur on some UI elements and fixed broken namespace using statements. Updated round change detection to use OnChangedCallback attribute.
3 Years Ago
Removed NavPath and NavSteer from Gamelib
3 Years Ago
Removed PropertyWatcher (obsolete). Added RPCUtility. Added experimental DayNightManager (currently not working due to a crash.) Added automatic creation of unit node size pathfinder objects.
3 Years Ago
Experimental fog interpolation code (unoptimized)
3 Years Ago
Reduce the flocking radius for detection of whether a unit has reached their destination
3 Years Ago
Automatically mark a unit as static or not based on whether they have a valid move group but do not do it in tick
3 Years Ago
Flow field optimizations. GetDiameterXY method for models. Round to nearest node size for GetDestinations. Properly update paths or cancel a path request when a chunk's collisions are updated.
3 Years Ago
When units are standing still, other units will try to go around them. You can use this to block an area with a line of units.
3 Years Ago
Direct units towards central node positions for smoother transitions between nodes
3 Years Ago
Refactored PathManager and Pathfinder to support pathfinders of different node sizes. Units can specify their node size (for example, vehicles are larger than soldiers and cannot fit through such small gaps.)
3 Years Ago
Fixed multi-select prioritizing buildings. Fixed attack range being larger than line of sight range. Fixed rather annoying bug where portal gateways were often ignoring collisions!
3 Years Ago
Increased unit move speed by 30% and force running animation for any speed over 300
3 Years Ago
Added cullable unit ragdolls and added attack animations and hold types to Simple Terry
3 Years Ago
Use tasks when creating the flow fields and when updating all collisions to reduce the hang Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Flow field optimization and never update any collision tiles marked as static
3 Years Ago
Fixed interaction range issues and added ff_debug and rts_fog server variables Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Fixed render error and MoveGroup memory leak Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
MoveGroup belongs in the Flow Fields game lib now and added method to IFlockAgent
3 Years Ago
Attack units automatically if we're standing still even though we're selected
3 Years Ago
Added better debug stuff and fixed interaction between units and items
3 Years Ago
Tweaks to the fog material
3 Years Ago
Flow Field Flocking v0.9 Simplified flocking to one single radius and use multipliers in Flocker Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
Added `rts_collisions` command to re-calculate pathfinding collisions for debug. Added CollisionScale to Pathfinder.
3 Years Ago
Fixed compile error
3 Years Ago
Removed log
3 Years Ago
Added more unit sound types. Added some toasts for technology research and unit trained. Fixed Simple Terry's ragdoll.
3 Years Ago
Only update the item entity HUD if it is visible
3 Years Ago
Started adding Simple Terry
3 Years Ago
Automatically set the texture resolution based on map size to keep it uniform. This will be antialiased eventually.
3 Years Ago
Fog update optimization
3 Years Ago
Set a larger default fog size if no flowfield_ground entities are present
3 Years Ago
Default pathfinder grid size is larger if no flowfield_ground entities are present
3 Years Ago
Remove fog_bounds and automatically determine the size from flowfield_ground where possible
3 Years Ago
Fixed building placement on the grid. Fixed unit spawning around buildings to support new navigation.
3 Years Ago
Tidied up a bunch of stuff and added a flowfield_ground Hammer entity. The flow field pathfinding will use these to determine what the ground is and automatically set height maps and grid bounds.
3 Years Ago
More performance optimizations for flow fields
3 Years Ago
Fixed some pathfinding issues with directions and temporarily draw debug collisions on map start
3 Years Ago
Experimental flow field pathfinding Kind of got flow field generation down to a minor stutter... Struct test - slower (50%) Much faster Chunked Flow Field with "portal" connections coming soon(TM) Backup So close to having working flow field that's reasonably fast, except sometimes units get stuck alternating between nodes Various improvements and optimizations but units still get stuck between portals Backup WIP Fully functional flow field pathfinding with chunks / HPA* Removed debug line and set hard map limit of 30k x 30k The flow field pathfinding is now better and units can correctly approach buildings again. The flow field will update automatically when new buildings are created. Merge branch 'flowfields'
3 Years Ago
Found a perspective angle that I'm happy with. Decals don't render in orthographic (yet).
3 Years Ago
Fixed import error
3 Years Ago
Added a system to create impact effects and damage decals on units when attacked
3 Years Ago
Fixed fog not updating when units die. Increased turret fire rate and damage. Temporarily fixed flesh impacts until a proper fix is implemented. Added turret recoil. Unit entities will ragdoll on the client and then fade out over time after being killed.