
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

2 Years Ago
Change menu to show Output as the device label
2 Years Ago
Tidied up the code and revert to default audio device if unavailable
2 Years Ago
Use CUtlString
2 Years Ago
Added temporary check hardcoded English translation for default audio device
2 Years Ago
The audio device will now properly change when selected and be remembered on restart. Need to investigate why device id is returning its friendly name, using workaround until then to test it works
2 Years Ago
Add a way to get the active audio device name and set the current audio device by id
2 Years Ago
Update audio settings menu code test
2 Years Ago
Move to AudioSettings
2 Years Ago
Added Sound.GetAudioDevices() IEnumerable<AudioDevice> type and started hooking up audio settings UI / progress