
14 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Months Ago
Add server tags as LobbyInformation.Data
4 Months Ago
Remove this log
4 Months Ago
Some tidy up, improvements to algo
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Multiplayer/networking project settings. Add option to change Destroy Lobby When Host Leaves and Auto Switch To Best Host. Defaults can be set in Project Settings but can be overriden via Lobby Config.
4 Months Ago
Some tidy up
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Some cleanup - store current peer score
4 Months Ago
Fix sequence contains no elements
4 Months Ago
Periodically check if we're the best host candidate based on score - change owner if needed. When we are made the host, but we're still connecting, try to find another host candidate instead - if we can't find one then we can mark the lobby as toxic. Don't include self when trying to find best candidate in some situations. When SteamLobbySocket is disposed (we left or disconnected), try to find another candidate then also.
4 Months Ago
Remove debug stuff and improve host candidate scoring based on average ping and connection quality to other peers
4 Months Ago
Test convars
4 Months Ago
Some logging
4 Months Ago
Initial commit