
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

5 Months Ago
Let's not make this elseif - always check both
5 Months Ago
Test both old and new formats
5 Months Ago
Add test for loading old reference model type from prefab / json
5 Months Ago
Phase out storing GO guid and component type MakeGameObjectsUnique -> MakeIdGuidsUnique (make old method Obsolete and redirect to MakeIdGuidsUnique) Unit test for clone with references When adding component or game object to Directory - check is there a component or game object with that id already, if so, force change it to a new one and spit a warning out. No component or game object should ever be able to share the same guid anyway but this makes sure
5 Months Ago
Serialize as Id not __id so also picked up by MakeGameObjectsUnique Scene unique component ids - update serialization test accordingly
5 Months Ago
Update GameObjectInspector to use Component.Id to determine already seen components. This makes it rebuild properly for multiple components of the same type
5 Months Ago
Add unit tests for component id serialization / deserialization - make sure references to Components with Property are properly restored to the correct components by id
5 Months Ago
Component id + prune those for refresh as well Serialize id properly