
13 Commits over 457 Days - 0.00cph!

1 Year Ago
Add OverflowContent to TextBlock (#4)
1 Year Ago
Switch TextOverflow to an enum
1 Year Ago
Add OverflowContent to TextBlock Specifies how to adorn overflowing text blocks
1 Year Ago
Paint text blocks with a gradient (#3)
1 Year Ago
A more accurate NearestCorner/FarthestCorner
1 Year Ago
Fix circle size mode
1 Year Ago
Scale radial gradient according to a RadialSizeMode
1 Year Ago
Apply radius and center as fractions
1 Year Ago
Only scale & rotate for the linear gradient
1 Year Ago
Paint text blocks with a gradient
3 Years Ago
Early exit TrailingWhitespace in FontRun background paint (#2) * Early exit TrailingWhitespace in FontRun background paint * Visualize text effects in sandbox
3 Years Ago
Visualize text effects in sandbox
3 Years Ago
Early exit TrailingWhitespace in FontRun background paint