userGarry Newmancancel

438 Commits over 608 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Years Ago
Entity List icons
5 Years Ago
Added Vector3.Distance( x ) Added Plane.Trace Added Circle Radius Gizmo work Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in CodeGenerator Added BaseEntity.EditorGizmos Added QOL funcs to Transform Added Quaternion.FromVector Unified arguments in Draw3D Fixed CameraAngles returning wrong type Fixed Draw3D usages Removed Angles interchangability with Vector3 Added Draw3D Sphere (commented out for now) Radius widget work Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.Line Gizmo exploration
5 Years Ago
Removed PrimitiveDrawer Added Draw3D
5 Years Ago
Added PrimitiveDrawer.DrawSprite Added Texture.White Removed FPrimitiveDrawInterface def Added PrimitiveDrawInterface static Depth group fix
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
WantMouse if we're focused on an Input or TextArea
5 Years Ago
BuilderPlayer.Local better Fixed UI shrink
5 Years Ago
Remove debug code
5 Years Ago
Renamed BuilderControllable to BuilderPlayer BuilderPlayer.SetEntityProperty
5 Years Ago
Quaternion is serialized as pitch/yaw/roll
5 Years Ago
Include PropertyType SetPropertyValue returns bool Added SetPropertyJson Color serialize fix Colour editor temp Replicated Proxies retain existing get/set if they exist BoolProperty implement
5 Years Ago
Properties boilerplate
5 Years Ago
Fixed vue components not updating when data changed in arrays Entity List highlight selected entity @button-active-color var
5 Years Ago
Fixed main menu toggle delay Fixed warnings in proptext Fixed menu swallowing everything
5 Years Ago
GetHashCode for Vector3, Quat Trying for better property access (no caching yet) Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Fixed HUD not properly detecting changes in Dictionary
5 Years Ago
BuildTools uses dotnet msbuild Fixed not writing Proxy.Generated.cs if didn't already exist Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Fail build if errors
5 Years Ago
Proxy.Generated.cs intellisense errors
5 Years Ago
Add Help to the Property if no help and property has a comment Set property name in proxy Generate editor type default
5 Years Ago
BaseEntity properties tests Stub GetProperties() Save Entity Proxies as .Proxy.cs next to the file instead of a completely different folder Only generate files when they changed Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
PropertyAttribute additional properties Auto run Sandbox.CodeGenerator on compile Sandbox.Unreal, relative paths fixes
5 Years Ago
Don't re-create the property if not replicating
5 Years Ago
Fixed json leaks on Quaternion BaseEntity can be proxied Rough entity selection, properties EntityJsonConverter
5 Years Ago
Don't define global Select on Object Entity List Selectable
5 Years Ago
Better proxy compiling
5 Years Ago
Sandbox.CodeGenerator wip PropertyHandler returns with normalized whitespaces Sandbox.Unreal don't compile files in Public/Entity Some test attributes on the light entities Move Attributes.cs to Sandbox.Public Proxy files (todo: only proxy specific files?) Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
GetProperties takes a Dictionary instead of creating a new one GetProperties proxies call base class
5 Years Ago
Style tweaks Moved Compiler Proxy stuff to its own dll
5 Years Ago
Added BaseEntity.SpawnFromEditor Documenting VectorToOrientation Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Class Library has some editor used properties Apply new editor properties to lights Added Library.GetAttribute EntityTool update
5 Years Ago
PrimitiveTool Icons tooltips Add World to HudComponent Entity List
5 Years Ago
Primitive Type Switch Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
toolbutton cleanup
5 Years Ago
Status bar placeholder
5 Years Ago
Reusable tooltips
5 Years Ago
Remove "Selecting Tool" debug output Toolmenu placeholder
5 Years Ago
Editor styles to standalone less files Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Handle Less file @imports Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Runtime parsing of .less files
5 Years Ago
AHtmlHud: Ignore case in OnFileChanged compare Fixed hotreload not triggering for some web includes Vue componenets can define Stylesheets to include Ignore file changes in .vs folders
5 Years Ago
Transform Mode Toolbar with grid snap
5 Years Ago
ignore node_modules Allow passing enum values from vue Tool panel experments Force components to lowercase Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Games list, icons Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Map Builder Name/Icon placeholder Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame ToolPicker
5 Years Ago
Fuck off Vue Devtools warnings Added AddonRequestHandler Json Addon has Title, Description, Icon Added MDI Making main menu a bit more coherent Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Version change
7 Years Ago
Autocomplete for ingame console