userGarry Newmancancel

438 Commits over 608 Days - 0.03cph!

7 Years Ago
Webcon fixes Scroll to bottom when running a command
7 Years Ago
Key binds system, bind, unbindall, exec, binds, writebinds
7 Years Ago
Added "reload" command Reloading map assets will reload the map brushes too Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Lights set defaults in constructors
7 Years Ago
Fixed main menu keyboard not working Version vars
7 Years Ago
Delete children deletes Children instead of AttachedChildren Renamed TextureRenderTarget to RenderTarget RenderTexture inherits from Texture
7 Years Ago
Use exception.Message instead of "Unhandled exception in Task callback" BaseWeapon is a MeshEntity
7 Years Ago
Set owner to attachment parent
7 Years Ago
Multiplayer fixes
7 Years Ago
Destroy children in engine, added exception for using destroyed entities, fixed some of those instances
7 Years Ago
Removing DestroyAllChildren to be sure it's the cause of the ensure
7 Years Ago
tab does the same as space in autocomplete Destroy tweaks aimed at fixing the ensure
7 Years Ago
Detach as part of destroy
7 Years Ago
Moved consoleInput to its own component Up/Down history Autocomplete popup Autocomplete selection Space when autocomplete is selected inserts text Partials, Ordering, Values
7 Years Ago
DestroyAllChildren no longer iterates all entities, Added Entity.Children, moved old Entity.Children to Attachments, moved where DestroyChildren is called
7 Years Ago
Throw exceptions if setting attachment/owner/parent on !Authority entities Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
DS comile fix?
7 Years Ago
DEDICATEDSERVER should get defined now
7 Years Ago
Fixed point_spotlight getting flipped on client
7 Years Ago
Light properties should be replicated now
7 Years Ago
Fixed map normals, faked map tangent/binormal
7 Years Ago
Automatically deleting particle system Flashlight
7 Years Ago
Added NetworkPriority Lights replicate Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Possibly fixed quit on dedicated server
7 Years Ago
DedicatedServer fixes
7 Years Ago
SpecialNamed assets A special named asset is one that isn't on disk, but is referenced by a specific name. For example, you might make a texture that is called "black", then you can load that texture using normal Library.Get functions, which means you can reference "black" in materials etc. Added "MeshEntity" in Engine addon (replaces StaticMeshEntity) BspMap importer sets brush models as SpecialNamed models Updated ents to use MeshEntity instead of StaticMeshEntity
7 Years Ago
Added "quit" command Removed lightmap hack from shader
7 Years Ago
Testing fix for client ip address
7 Years Ago
Don't try to play sounds on the dedicated server
7 Years Ago
Dedicated Server HUD fixes
7 Years Ago
Filled out math library Lightmap filtering
7 Years Ago
Lightmap refactor
7 Years Ago
UManagedLightmap Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Lightmap fixes
7 Years Ago
FManagedMeshSceneProxy Managed Lightmap SetLightMap on AManagedStaticMesh NoLights option Apply lightmap if set
7 Years Ago
Map flip
7 Years Ago
Console overlay cleanup
7 Years Ago
Auto model bounds
7 Years Ago
Loading screen-ish
7 Years Ago
Wait for assets to load before entering world
7 Years Ago
html - load small files synchronously Manager.EnterGame - a nice place to precache/finish loading
7 Years Ago
Use modifier keys with mouse Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Added Library.RunString (splits args automatically) Shuffle console output so addons can hook into it Added misc vue mixins Added simple ingame console Allow F-keys and console keys in game, even when UI input Clear cached hudcomponent properties on hotload Fixed UI warnings on startup
7 Years Ago
Renamed OnTick back to Tick Added HUD.UpdateGlobals Disable dev console in game Component value caching Loading Movie Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Multiplayer map spawn Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Hotload Update MapSpawn replicate
7 Years Ago
Destroy ManagedMesh without crying on dedicated serer
7 Years Ago
Standalone flags
7 Years Ago
Complain if more than one HUD component with same name Don't always mount addon content HUD fixes Generated
7 Years Ago
Load map via entity