userGarry Newmancancel

496 Commits over 608 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Years Ago
Added Vector3.GetAngle, Angle Added Math.ToDegrees, Math.TpRadians Rotation uses built in functions instead of AngleBetween Fixed circle traces using floats Made Cube default primitive Rotation notch
5 Years Ago
Gizmo Flag Pushing Hotload: skip arrays of enums for now Fixed rotation not working if not hovering when becomes active Only draw active axis Position gizmo obeys ShouldDraw
5 Years Ago
Allow right clicking scene
5 Years Ago
Hud.WantsMouse/WantsKeyboard can be overridden
5 Years Ago
Binding HtmlHUD.IsMouseOnView, IsDocumentReady Removed unused Added BaseHud.IsMouseHovering Added Gizmo.Cursor
5 Years Ago
Transform Modes works MDI update EditMode works Fixed tooltips being hidden by tool picker
5 Years Ago
Addon Fixes
5 Years Ago
Changed Player to Client Client/Server become IsClient/IsServer Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame Addon Fixups Controllable becomes BasePlayer Addon Fixup CreateControllable becomes CreatePlayer DefaultControllable becomes DefaultPlayer CharacterControllable becomes HumanPlayer Cleanup
5 Years Ago
Only allow movement if right mouse is down SelectionTool uses gizmo path MaterialTool uses gizmo path EntityList only show Replicated ents Make DirLight and SkyLight in Worldspawn replicated
5 Years Ago
Hide property list if none BaseEntity can have replicated props BaseEntity.Name, customizable and namable Fixed entity list missing key error Give entities default names
5 Years Ago
Selection lines CameraManager cache No arrows Cleanup Multidrag only snaps the point you're holding to grid
5 Years Ago
Fixed QuadVertices SkyLight editable Fixed dedicated server error in SetupEnvironment Added Player.CameraRotation Added Rect.Expand Handles are screenspace
5 Years Ago
ThreeAxis 2D dragging highlights both axis instead of drawing quad
5 Years Ago
GizmoShader Grid uses a material, isn't pink
5 Years Ago
Fixed attribute errors
5 Years Ago
SolidCone tweaks Tweak
5 Years Ago
Fixed hover logic
5 Years Ago
Handle hover in screenspace Gizmo Grouping
5 Years Ago
Added Ray.Project Added Input.MousePosition Added Rect.BottomRight, Rect.Normalized Renamed DrawBox to DrawLinedRect Fixed DrawRect only drawing in white Added AddSelection, ClearSeleciton, RemoveSelection Added Rect.FromSize, Rect.FromCorners Draw2D.DrawLineRect takes a Rect instead of pos/size Added Rect.Move Added Screen static class Added Rect.Contains Draw2D.DrawBox fixes Fixed Popper warning Gizmo Rect Dragging Rect Dragging handle selection
5 Years Ago
Fixed ParentSelected being applied wrong Color/Line Width stacks Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Fixed vue not reacting to variable changes (again) Gizmo Stack EditableMesh EditorGizmos Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Gizmo quad WIP
5 Years Ago
Fixed quad size Added Quad with Color Red Gizmo Test
5 Years Ago
Added Gizmo shader
5 Years Ago
GizmoColours Added double.SnapToGrid( f ) Added Vectoe3.SnapToGrid( f ) Position Gizmo snapping Added Line.Delta Documentation
5 Years Ago
Global Axis Implementation Added Position.Axis2D gizmo Added Quad3D
5 Years Ago
Make RPC __Implementation methods private so they don't show in intellisense Call SetPositionOnServer Test
5 Years Ago
Can add RPCs to BaseEntity
5 Years Ago
Stripped Transform shit from gizmos Added Gizmos.Position.SingleAxis Added Gizmos.Position.ThreeAxis Test code for ThreeAxis
5 Years Ago
Cleaning, documentation
5 Years Ago
Gizmo Cleaning Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Entity List icons
5 Years Ago
Added Vector3.Distance( x ) Added Plane.Trace Added Circle Radius Gizmo work Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in CodeGenerator Added BaseEntity.EditorGizmos Added QOL funcs to Transform Added Quaternion.FromVector Unified arguments in Draw3D Fixed CameraAngles returning wrong type Fixed Draw3D usages Removed Angles interchangability with Vector3 Added Draw3D Sphere (commented out for now) Radius widget work Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.Line Gizmo exploration
5 Years Ago
Removed PrimitiveDrawer Added Draw3D
5 Years Ago
Added PrimitiveDrawer.DrawSprite Added Texture.White Removed FPrimitiveDrawInterface def Added PrimitiveDrawInterface static Depth group fix
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
WantMouse if we're focused on an Input or TextArea
5 Years Ago
BuilderPlayer.Local better Fixed UI shrink
5 Years Ago
Remove debug code
5 Years Ago
Renamed BuilderControllable to BuilderPlayer BuilderPlayer.SetEntityProperty
5 Years Ago
Quaternion is serialized as pitch/yaw/roll
5 Years Ago
Include PropertyType SetPropertyValue returns bool Added SetPropertyJson Color serialize fix Colour editor temp Replicated Proxies retain existing get/set if they exist BoolProperty implement
5 Years Ago
Properties boilerplate
5 Years Ago
Fixed vue components not updating when data changed in arrays Entity List highlight selected entity @button-active-color var
5 Years Ago
Fixed main menu toggle delay Fixed warnings in proptext Fixed menu swallowing everything
5 Years Ago
GetHashCode for Vector3, Quat Trying for better property access (no caching yet) Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Fixed HUD not properly detecting changes in Dictionary
5 Years Ago
BuildTools uses dotnet msbuild Fixed not writing Proxy.Generated.cs if didn't already exist Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame