userGarry Newmancancel

496 Commits over 608 Days - 0.03cph!

5 Years Ago
Fail build if errors
5 Years Ago
Proxy.Generated.cs intellisense errors
5 Years Ago
Add Help to the Property if no help and property has a comment Set property name in proxy Generate editor type default
5 Years Ago
BaseEntity properties tests Stub GetProperties() Save Entity Proxies as .Proxy.cs next to the file instead of a completely different folder Only generate files when they changed Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
PropertyAttribute additional properties Auto run Sandbox.CodeGenerator on compile Sandbox.Unreal, relative paths fixes
5 Years Ago
Don't re-create the property if not replicating
5 Years Ago
Fixed json leaks on Quaternion BaseEntity can be proxied Rough entity selection, properties EntityJsonConverter
5 Years Ago
Don't define global Select on Object Entity List Selectable
5 Years Ago
Better proxy compiling
5 Years Ago
Sandbox.CodeGenerator wip PropertyHandler returns with normalized whitespaces Sandbox.Unreal don't compile files in Public/Entity Some test attributes on the light entities Move Attributes.cs to Sandbox.Public Proxy files (todo: only proxy specific files?) Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
GetProperties takes a Dictionary instead of creating a new one GetProperties proxies call base class
5 Years Ago
Style tweaks Moved Compiler Proxy stuff to its own dll
5 Years Ago
Added BaseEntity.SpawnFromEditor Documenting VectorToOrientation Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Class Library has some editor used properties Apply new editor properties to lights Added Library.GetAttribute EntityTool update
5 Years Ago
PrimitiveTool Icons tooltips Add World to HudComponent Entity List
5 Years Ago
Primitive Type Switch Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
toolbutton cleanup
5 Years Ago
Status bar placeholder
5 Years Ago
Reusable tooltips
5 Years Ago
Remove "Selecting Tool" debug output Toolmenu placeholder
5 Years Ago
Editor styles to standalone less files Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Handle Less file @imports Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Runtime parsing of .less files
5 Years Ago
AHtmlHud: Ignore case in OnFileChanged compare Fixed hotreload not triggering for some web includes Vue componenets can define Stylesheets to include Ignore file changes in .vs folders
5 Years Ago
Transform Mode Toolbar with grid snap
5 Years Ago
ignore node_modules Allow passing enum values from vue Tool panel experments Force components to lowercase Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Games list, icons Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Map Builder Name/Icon placeholder Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame ToolPicker
5 Years Ago
Fuck off Vue Devtools warnings Added AddonRequestHandler Json Addon has Title, Description, Icon Added MDI Making main menu a bit more coherent Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
5 Years Ago
Version change
7 Years Ago
Autocomplete for ingame console
7 Years Ago
Webcon fixes Scroll to bottom when running a command
7 Years Ago
Key binds system, bind, unbindall, exec, binds, writebinds
7 Years Ago
Added "reload" command Reloading map assets will reload the map brushes too Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Lights set defaults in constructors
7 Years Ago
Fixed main menu keyboard not working Version vars
7 Years Ago
Delete children deletes Children instead of AttachedChildren Renamed TextureRenderTarget to RenderTarget RenderTexture inherits from Texture
7 Years Ago
Use exception.Message instead of "Unhandled exception in Task callback" BaseWeapon is a MeshEntity
7 Years Ago
Set owner to attachment parent
7 Years Ago
Multiplayer fixes
7 Years Ago
Destroy children in engine, added exception for using destroyed entities, fixed some of those instances
7 Years Ago
Removing DestroyAllChildren to be sure it's the cause of the ensure
7 Years Ago
tab does the same as space in autocomplete Destroy tweaks aimed at fixing the ensure
7 Years Ago
Detach as part of destroy
7 Years Ago
Moved consoleInput to its own component Up/Down history Autocomplete popup Autocomplete selection Space when autocomplete is selected inserts text Partials, Ordering, Values
7 Years Ago
DestroyAllChildren no longer iterates all entities, Added Entity.Children, moved old Entity.Children to Attachments, moved where DestroyChildren is called
7 Years Ago
Throw exceptions if setting attachment/owner/parent on !Authority entities Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
DS comile fix?
7 Years Ago
DEDICATEDSERVER should get defined now
7 Years Ago
Fixed point_spotlight getting flipped on client