116 Commits over 92 Days - 0.05cph!
Realm cleanup
Unused code
Fixed namespace format in Interop Native Gen
Fixed Struct Namespace in Interop
Make generated managed classes partials
Trace bindings
Bind GetEntityHandle
Trace Basics
Trace with extents
Added Vectror3.SubtractDirection
Added float.Approach
Added Vector3.Approach
Added PlayerController baseclass
Added FlyingController
Implemented Rotation.From( Angles )
Cleaned up Angles struct
Added Entity.Velocity
Bind AbsVelocity/AbsOrigin
Fixed movement not interpolating
Updated InteropGen to use net5.0
Fixed Console not compiling
Remove unused binds
Switched Time class to use engine time
Update Rotation.cs
stripped usercmd.aimDirection
Player/Entity binds
CBasePlayer call ServerSimulate
C_BasePlayer call ClientSimulate
Entity.Pos uses Get/SetLocalOrigin
Bind SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin
Basic predicted movement moved to managed
Interop: Managed class pointer inheritence
Pass type with managed pointer
NativePointer can cast properly
Added Sandbox.Log
Native side can dynamic cast managed classes
Generated code cleanup
Throw an error on unknown type
Grid Test comments
Fixed exception logging not showing a message
Compiler handles failed builds of dependancies better
Fixed processor not creating .gen folder
Fixed Sandbox.Generator exceptions
Update ClassAccess.cs
Less logging
Grid: Never FillSpace if ColumnCount > 0
Added Panel.HasActive, HasFocus, HasHover
Added Length.GetPixels
Added Grid.FillSpace
Rename GetContentPadding to GetInset
Update HorizontalSplit.cs
Verrical Splitter
Can click stack traces in console to go to file
Fix console window colours
Panorama: always layout based on layout variables passed, ignore the parent size
Grid sizing fixes
Renamed LayoutTraverse to Layout
Added Button.Click
Property Section
PanoramaTest fixes
Added IconPanel
Some panel Props
Panel isn't deleted in finalizer
Update standard.less
Grid: Set Spacing to -1 for automatic spacing
icon Font
PropertySection open/close
Update BaseAccess.txt
Fixed non string properties updating every tick
Fixed crash when hotloading panels
Fixed some console labels
changing Grid properties call InvalidateSizeAndPosition
Added PropertySheet/PropertyField
GridTest uses PropertySheet
PropertySheet styles
Fixed panels not getting collected
Cleaning Up
Hotload results in console
Hotload property styles
Merge branch 'master' of sandbox.source
Fixed FloorToInt not converting to int
Hotload Skip AccessControl
Delete AnalyzerLibrary.cs
Bind Style.Width/Height/MaxWidth/MaxHeight
Added Panel.SetContentSize
Added Style.GetContentPadding
Library Attribute icon
Added UI.Grid
Added Slider.OnValueChanged
Don't try to show console error if in another thread (todo)
Grid Test
Added GridTest option
Fixed missing icons
Common property base
Live update propery sheet
UI Panel selection/property sheet
Show classes on panel ui
PanelList live updates
Entity List
Entity Selection
Library Tabs
Column layout
Cleaning up
Fixed missing dlls in generated addon csproj
Moved Sandbox.Projects into ProjectGen (we'll call the exe from game to generate new csproj etc)
Finish consolidation
Interop cleanup
Moving Addon/Compiler config structs to Sandbox.System
Moved Manage.Init/Startup to Bootstrap.Init/PreInit
Show stack trace on logging
Fixed addon/compiler not using our logger
Dissolve Sandbox.Rcon
Merge branch 'master' of sandbox.source
Sandbox.Convar.Library to Sandbox.ConsoleSystem
Sandbox.Engine.Class.Library -> Sandbox.Library
Console Command refactor, simplification
Folder renames
More refactoring
Test refactor/cleanup
Sandbox.Library absorbed
Moving Html parser to namespace
Stripped HtmlEntity, Added HtmlEntity tests
Trimmed HtmlNodeCollection
Remove Overlap
Strip save/write/commentnode
HtmlAttributeCollection stripped
More trimming
More trim
Start HtmlParser unit test
Strip ServerSideCode parsing
Handle unclosed tags in a more permissive, expected way
More stripping
HtmlParser unit tests
Generators source can't have path names now apparently, so fix that
Add stripped down version of HtmlAgilityPack for parsing html pragmatically
Use our HtmlNode version instead of packaged version
More trimming
XPath not needed in access list
Completely removed Sandbox.Public, Sandbox.Math
Sandbox.Convar is part of Sandbox.System
Fixed compile errors due to wrong package versions
Update BlazorWebView
Intellisense for generated code seems to have started working, so we don't need the BeforeBuild remove hack
Facepunch.System becomes Sandbox.System
Rolled console back fto netcoreapp3.1 (because of NETSDK1130 errors)
Getting rid of Sandbox.Math, moving some shit from Sandbox.Public into Sandbox.System, deleting unsused shit
More refactoring
Consolidating Facepunch.Interop
Logging system refactor
Added custom logger
Use custom logger
Math refactoring
Update to 5.0.0-preview.7.20364.11
Don't commit managed folder
Update .gitignore
Use PortablePdb
Allow access to Math/F
Unreference NLog
Fixed Lerp/LerpInverse
Remove Facepunch.Steamworks
More allows
Fixed Touches not clearing on reload
Can whitelist individual overloaded methods
AccessControl handle generics better
Fixed console not resizable when windowed
Console app text not selectable by default
AccessControl - log types, methods
Automatically allow other addons
Base access rules
Try to log file and line of unauthorized accesses
Generated logger uses addon name instead of assembly name
Embed game window in console (probably pick this back up when we move to s2)
Fixed panels not always getting deleted
Don't try to hotload if compile failed
Fixed deferred hotload calling in loop on fail
Added Add.Slider
Update PerformanceTest.cs
Call PreRenderUI in menu too
Added Time.Delta
Remove panel from layout on delete
Moving Panorama Tests to own window
unlimit fps_max
Fixed ClientLayer::PreRenderUI called after UI rendered
More console shit