13 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Change this Info to a Trace
further clean up TypeLibrary
Enable fast hotload by default
Rename PackageLoader2 to PackageLoader
Move GameAssemblyManager to clientdll
Refactor static GameAssemblyManager to instance NetworkedAssemblyManager
ClientDll uses PackageLoader
Remove all the now unused junk from TypeLibrary
Fix events not removing properly
Serverdll uses PackageLoader2, delete PackageLoader
MenuDll uses PackageManager2
Don't have assembly switch, just add and remove
switch GameMenu to use enroller
small correction to determine if EditorCompiler
Add tests
Unit test PackageLoader2 fast hotloading, regular
GameMenu games can have a Main method instead of a menu
Add PackageLoader2.
- Doesn't have TypeLibrary inside
- Wraps HotloadManager
- Clear separation between loading the assembly and loading into typelibrary etc
- only used by Tools + GameMenu right now
- I broke fast hotload
Round the chunks in Graphics.Draw so when drawing Triangles they don't end up hanging over the chunk boundary
Add Draw.SolidTriangle
Enable fast hotload again