userGarry Newmancancel

7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
poc Make InteropGen C# initiated Load all the interops Delete .net folder Moved ResolveMapName from netruntime Remove CoreCLR class, squash to only the required Update github actions to setup dotnet More vague with the version Set directory to root when initializing Tools + menu interop init cleanup Remove old interopinit functions Client initialize cleanup Server init cleanup Initialize netcore host explicitly - and not in contentbuilder etc Slightly refactoring Make sure dedicated server still runs
1 Year Ago
Set directory to root when initializing Tools + menu interop init cleanup Remove old interopinit functions Client initialize cleanup Server init cleanup Initialize netcore host explicitly - and not in contentbuilder etc Slightly refactoring Make sure dedicated server still runs
1 Year Ago
More vague with the version
1 Year Ago
Update github actions to setup dotnet
1 Year Ago
Moved ResolveMapName from netruntime Remove CoreCLR class, squash to only the required
1 Year Ago
Make InteropGen C# initiated Load all the interops Delete .net folder
1 Year Ago