userGarry Newmancancel

56 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Add some documentation Fix chromatic aberration always set to 1 Fixed hooks creating a bunch of resolves Pass postprocessStencilDepth to AfterPostProcessing Fixed motion blur on by default 🙈 Pixelate effect from center of pixel Avatar editor view screen effects Tie GlowComponent.Active to Enabled RenderTarget.GetTemporary will automatically get the right hdr/sdr rt if ImageFormat.Default is passed Do our own ResolveFrameBuffer Add RenderDoc scopes for our RenderTool calls Post process shaders support transparency Home avatar post process so we keep everything working Unclamp some post post process vars
1 Year Ago
Also use the obsoleted `Active` on Glow to decide whether to render it or not
1 Year Ago
More RenderHooks Remove a bunch of unused layers
1 Year Ago
RenderDoc API Early out of CPixEventScope if !IsRenderDocEnabled
1 Year Ago
Add convar to control CPixEventScope Delete water layer sc_log_submits depth buffers too Delete DrawOverWorld layers Optimize CPixEventScope Fixed render hooks resolving Clean up
1 Year Ago
Can call ComputeShader.Dispatch outside of render loop ConstantBuffer can be updated outside of render loop
1 Year Ago
Complain if sizeFactor < 1 in RenderTarget.GetTemporary Delete RenderAttributes on the main thread Add Graphics.MeasureText Cleaning up
1 Year Ago
Move FilmGrain to RenderHooks Moved MotionBlur Remove falloff stuff Move pixelate Chromatic Aberration Strip panini, lens distortion - don't work
1 Year Ago
Fix vignette setting, add to devcam
1 Year Ago
Converted DevCam ColorPanel PostProcess
1 Year Ago
Fixed default font size not scaling to screen properly
1 Year Ago
Move depth of field to standalone renderhook Fix bind throttling being too severe Don't hide the glow outlines when pressing use
1 Year Ago
Add Graphics.DrawIcon, Graphics.DrawQuad, Graphics.DrawRoundedRectangle Add Vector4.Length, LengthSquared, IsNearZeroLength Obsoleted Draw2D stuff can use Graphics stuff Converted addon code to not use Draw2D
1 Year Ago
Fix shader compile
1 Year Ago
Initial experiments Put HUD and GameUI rendering in hooks Switch to managed render hooks Change some Assert.NotNull to Assert.IsValid Switch post process to work in new system Lets initialize the pointers in CMeshDrawPrimitive_t so I don't waste 40 mins chasing my own tail again Add Render.Draw.RenderSceneObject (lets worry about how much this api sucks another time) Added Render Events for BeforePostProcess and AfterPostProcess Support LOD/Bodygroups in RenderSceneObject managedrenderpipeline.h doesn't exist anymore Add render hooks for rendering just before viewmodel, just after viewmodel Get rid of RenderTools.DrawScreenQuad - it was doing way more bullshit than we needed Remove RenderTargetDesc Allow SetRenderTarget to set depth too Allow creating common depth formats Add RenderTarget Fix color selector so you don't have to stop dragging the mouse for 200ms to preview the color Obsolete SetViewport Don't define D3DCOMPILE_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS RenderTarget cache tick, flush Separate function to create a render target using backbuffer size fraction Add Draw3D.Blit (replaces ScreenQuad) Post process use new hooks Change CopyDepthBuffer, CopyFrameBuffer to GrabFrameTexture, GrabDepthTexture - take in attribute target name and optional target attributes Fix Draw not using the passed in attributes DrawSceneObject kind of do LODs properly In SceneObjectDraw when using an override material, pass the original alpha texture down as BaseOpacity if it had alpha Add GenerateMipMaps, rip out a bunch of previous mipmap code Removed unused arg from SetTextureData When creating texture with data, if the data size is the size of the first mip and we have multiple then automatically generate the others (and go apeshit if the datasize is wrong) Throw exceptions is trying to set texture data with wrong size in c# Remove skia mipmap generation, let dx do it for us automatically Allow UI to use mipmaps Fix not being able to load materials during rendering GameLoop::PreRender ain't doing nothing Remove unused IScreenSpaceEffect Render state restores, allows nesting Let toolviews have the managed pipeline Let SceneCameras have a debug name Renderhooks linked to SceneCameras Obsolete PostProcess Unobsolete Glow Component Add EntityComponent.GetAllOfType<T>() Move RenderHook to its own file Recompiled shaders Add TypeLibrary.GetDescriptions() - returns all types Add Material.GetShaderMaterial( shadername ); Add [SceneCamera.Default], which when applied to a RenderHook will add it to the camera by default Fix unable to compile shaders that aren't in the shaders folder Add HighlightRenderer Remove shameful debug code Refactor Let c++ threadpool execute shit in the main thread Add ManagedRenderSetup_t SceneCustomObject renders in the main thread Clean up SceneLayer enum insanity (which I added) Fix warning spam Render water on the opaque layer RenderHook has a OnFrame, called before any rendering is done - useful for placing SceneObjects etc Fix NRE in CodeCompileNotice Fix inspector history not letting objects garbage collect Fixed Option not being adopted by Toolbar, so never being released Add warning if double alloc in InteropSystem Allow direct access to camera's render hooks Allow tools access to all alive scenecameras Name the scenes Create Graphics.cs Move Render to Graphics Backwards compatibility fix Convert some addon side code to use Graphics instead of Render Graphics.Quad transition More Sandbox.Render -> Graphics Route Render Hooks to Graphics Get rid of draw quad with margin, add bloat
1 Year Ago
Route Render Hooks to Graphics Get rid of draw quad with margin, add bloat
1 Year Ago
More Sandbox.Render -> Graphics
1 Year Ago
Graphics.Quad transition
1 Year Ago
Convert some addon side code to use Graphics instead of Render
1 Year Ago
Move Render to Graphics Backwards compatibility fix
1 Year Ago
Create Graphics.cs
1 Year Ago
Allow direct access to camera's render hooks Allow tools access to all alive scenecameras Name the scenes
1 Year Ago
Fix inspector history not letting objects garbage collect Fixed Option not being adopted by Toolbar, so never being released Add warning if double alloc in InteropSystem
1 Year Ago
RenderHook has a OnFrame, called before any rendering is done - useful for placing SceneObjects etc Fix NRE in CodeCompileNotice
1 Year Ago
Clean up SceneLayer enum insanity (which I added) Fix warning spam Render water on the opaque layer
1 Year Ago
Let c++ threadpool execute shit in the main thread Add ManagedRenderSetup_t SceneCustomObject renders in the main thread
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Add TypeLibrary.GetDescriptions() - returns all types Add Material.GetShaderMaterial( shadername ); Add [SceneCamera.Default], which when applied to a RenderHook will add it to the camera by default Fix unable to compile shaders that aren't in the shaders folder Add HighlightRenderer Remove shameful debug code
1 Year Ago
Recompiled shaders
1 Year Ago
Initial experiments Put HUD and GameUI rendering in hooks Switch to managed render hooks Change some Assert.NotNull to Assert.IsValid Switch post process to work in new system Lets initialize the pointers in CMeshDrawPrimitive_t so I don't waste 40 mins chasing my own tail again Add Render.Draw.RenderSceneObject (lets worry about how much this api sucks another time) Added Render Events for BeforePostProcess and AfterPostProcess Support LOD/Bodygroups in RenderSceneObject managedrenderpipeline.h doesn't exist anymore Add render hooks for rendering just before viewmodel, just after viewmodel Get rid of RenderTools.DrawScreenQuad - it was doing way more bullshit than we needed Remove RenderTargetDesc Allow SetRenderTarget to set depth too Allow creating common depth formats Add RenderTarget Fix color selector so you don't have to stop dragging the mouse for 200ms to preview the color Obsolete SetViewport Don't define D3DCOMPILE_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS RenderTarget cache tick, flush Separate function to create a render target using backbuffer size fraction Add Draw3D.Blit (replaces ScreenQuad) Post process use new hooks Change CopyDepthBuffer, CopyFrameBuffer to GrabFrameTexture, GrabDepthTexture - take in attribute target name and optional target attributes Fix Draw not using the passed in attributes DrawSceneObject kind of do LODs properly In SceneObjectDraw when using an override material, pass the original alpha texture down as BaseOpacity if it had alpha Add GenerateMipMaps, rip out a bunch of previous mipmap code Removed unused arg from SetTextureData When creating texture with data, if the data size is the size of the first mip and we have multiple then automatically generate the others (and go apeshit if the datasize is wrong) Throw exceptions is trying to set texture data with wrong size in c# Remove skia mipmap generation, let dx do it for us automatically Allow UI to use mipmaps Fix not being able to load materials during rendering GameLoop::PreRender ain't doing nothing Remove unused IScreenSpaceEffect Render state restores, allows nesting Let toolviews have the managed pipeline Let SceneCameras have a debug name Renderhooks linked to SceneCameras Obsolete PostProcess Unobsolete Glow Component Add EntityComponent.GetAllOfType<T>() Move RenderHook to its own file
1 Year Ago
Obsolete PostProcess Unobsolete Glow Component Add EntityComponent.GetAllOfType<T>() Move RenderHook to its own file
1 Year Ago
Remove unused IScreenSpaceEffect Render state restores, allows nesting Let toolviews have the managed pipeline Let SceneCameras have a debug name Renderhooks linked to SceneCameras
1 Year Ago
GameLoop::PreRender ain't doing nothing
1 Year Ago
Fix not being able to load materials during rendering
1 Year Ago
When creating texture with data, if the data size is the size of the first mip and we have multiple then automatically generate the others (and go apeshit if the datasize is wrong) Throw exceptions is trying to set texture data with wrong size in c# Remove skia mipmap generation, let dx do it for us automatically Allow UI to use mipmaps
1 Year Ago
Removed unused arg from SetTextureData
1 Year Ago
Add GenerateMipMaps, rip out a bunch of previous mipmap code
1 Year Ago
In SceneObjectDraw when using an override material, pass the original alpha texture down as BaseOpacity if it had alpha
1 Year Ago
DrawSceneObject kind of do LODs properly
1 Year Ago
Change CopyDepthBuffer, CopyFrameBuffer to GrabFrameTexture, GrabDepthTexture - take in attribute target name and optional target attributes Fix Draw not using the passed in attributes
1 Year Ago
Add Draw3D.Blit (replaces ScreenQuad) Post process use new hooks
1 Year Ago
Obsolete SetViewport Don't define D3DCOMPILE_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS RenderTarget cache tick, flush Separate function to create a render target using backbuffer size fraction
1 Year Ago
Fix color selector so you don't have to stop dragging the mouse for 200ms to preview the color
1 Year Ago
Allow creating common depth formats Add RenderTarget
1 Year Ago
Initial experiments Put HUD and GameUI rendering in hooks Switch to managed render hooks Change some Assert.NotNull to Assert.IsValid Switch post process to work in new system Lets initialize the pointers in CMeshDrawPrimitive_t so I don't waste 40 mins chasing my own tail again Add Render.Draw.RenderSceneObject (lets worry about how much this api sucks another time) Added Render Events for BeforePostProcess and AfterPostProcess Support LOD/Bodygroups in RenderSceneObject managedrenderpipeline.h doesn't exist anymore Add render hooks for rendering just before viewmodel, just after viewmodel Get rid of RenderTools.DrawScreenQuad - it was doing way more bullshit than we needed Remove RenderTargetDesc Allow SetRenderTarget to set depth too
1 Year Ago
Allow SetRenderTarget to set depth too
1 Year Ago
Get rid of RenderTools.DrawScreenQuad - it was doing way more bullshit than we needed Remove RenderTargetDesc
1 Year Ago
Add render hooks for rendering just before viewmodel, just after viewmodel
1 Year Ago
managedrenderpipeline.h doesn't exist anymore
1 Year Ago
Support LOD/Bodygroups in RenderSceneObject