19,538 Commits over 3,990 Days - 0.20cph!
Removed voice notifications on HUD
Voice networking tweaks
Added local player voice indicator
Fixed viewmodel scene button errors
Fixed bug report help not showing on new branch name
Bear meat cooks to bear meat (not wolf meat)
Fixed rogue beep sound in the menu options
Removed in-game store (opens link to Steam Item Store)
Don't remove global entities (trees, etc) from the send queue when clearing
Steamworks - new branch layout
Can melee attack + build while swimming
Error text vertex overflow (UnityUI sux)
Hid some harmless warnings "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)"
Boilerplate for auto muting/kicking chat spammers
Shader updates, Unity 5.3.1p1
Prefab prepare
Updated phrases
Disabled lazy aim
Viewmodel responsiveness tweaks
Fixed layer index warnings
Warmup construction parts placed directly in the map in editor (for debugging)
Dither UI protection background to avoid banding
12751 - NRE in MiningQuarry.Start()
Raven version use buildinfo hour float
Send the last few lines of console when reporting bugs/errors
Fixed "perf 1" not showing
Cheat reporter lets you choose a player to report
Fixed player nametag showing up when player is dead
status command is dev/admin only
Fixed entity send backlog when jumping between spectate targets too quickly
Bear has more health
Bear attack stronger
Wolf has more health
Wolf attack faster
On error or exception, show temporarily on screen
Fixed blueprint sorting bullshit
Uncraftable blueprints have more alpha
Fixed santas little helper skin not showing