30 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
remove debug.log regarding cover points
fixed workcart alt skin not applying to LODs
better respawn times for tunnel dwellers/npc dwellings
adjusted spawn rates for workcarts
smooth workcart handle movement
workcarts decay and respawn properly
train barricades can now be destroyed with melee
much improved train barricades + read/write
m92 slightly increased AI range
TunnelDweller - reduced overall spawns, reduced loot
puzzlereset for tunnel NPCs/loot
fixed cover points not being removed properly
fixed tunnel colliders not having read/write set
updated tunneldweller weapons
fixed issue with NPCs using semi automatic weapons sometimes double-firing
NPCs set their obstacle avoidance priority based on velocity (slower moving NPCs now get out of the way of fast ones)
updated dwelling bounds, use proper scale for GenericSpawnPoint gizmos
updated train barricade art
fixed slow walking NPCs not playing footstep sounds
TunnelDweller NPC will not longer roam far from it's initial spawn position
updated workcart lights + added cover
revamped random rotation for spawngroups, can now specify an angle snap (45/90/180 etc)
added new NPCDwelling
underground navmesh now uses 50% less memory
Fixed single frame buoyancy issue when a corpse spawns in a WaterVisibilityTrigger
NPCDwellings now filter out and add their own dynamic cover/move points if validated
Improved HumanNPC aiming behavior
HumanNPCs no longer bunch together at the same cover points
Fixed lack of impact effects in WaterVisibilityTriggers
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more NPC fixes in tunnels
dungeon navmesh generation
fix for NPCs not roaming underground