userJames Kingcancel

443 Commits over 183 Days - 0.10cph!

Basic test for async in expression graphs
Failing test for expression graph using async Use a dummy Signal type for all signal parameters
Automatically hook up input -> output signal for new expression graphs Fix version 7 upgrader Fix expression subgraphs
Input / output signals can be synchronous or async Got simple expression graphs working again, now with signals
10 Days Ago
Start using DisplayInfo.Hidden
10 Days Ago
12 Days Ago
Use ExposeWhenCachedAttribute instead of ITypeLoader.CanCache( Type )
12 Days Ago
12 Days Ago
Link.IsNestedInput ActionGraph delegates can override input values Define types that must be exposed during cached graph serialization
12 Days Ago
12 Days Ago
Define types that must be exposed during cached graph serialization
12 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
Link.IsNestedInput ActionGraph delegates can override input values
14 Days Ago
14 Days Ago
Link.TryGetConstant() / TryGetVariable()
14 Days Ago
14 Days Ago
Automatically remove unlinked nested nodes
14 Days Ago
14 Days Ago
Get rid of LinkSource, just use nested nodes
15 Days Ago
Benchmark cached vs uncached
15 Days Ago
15 Days Ago
Fix ReSharper error Simplify ToDictionaryExpression ActionGraphCache first pass
17 Days Ago
Use new BuildEvaluate directly from ActionGraph<T>
17 Days Ago
Redo BuildEvaluate
20 Days Ago
Basic delegate invocation benchmarks
22 Days Ago
Variable renaming fix
22 Days Ago
22 Days Ago
Variable renaming
22 Days Ago
24 Days Ago
Fix serializing System.Object
24 Days Ago
24 Days Ago
24 Days Ago
Fix serializing System.Object
24 Days Ago
24 Days Ago
IMessageContext.StackTraceIdentifier Include Context.StackTraceIdentifier in ValidationException.ToString() Merge branch 'legacy/1.3'
28 Days Ago
Include Context.StackTraceIdentifier in ValidationException.ToString()
28 Days Ago
28 Days Ago
28 Days Ago
30 Days Ago
30 Days Ago
Add __guid and rename Version to __version in json Nicer stack traces Fix "The node already has a parent." when deserializing Tweak lambda naming Generate a throwing lambda when compiling a graph with errors Tweak how ValidationExceptions are thrown on invoke Added NodeLibrary.VoidTaskFaulted event Merge branch 'legacy/1.3'
40 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
Added NodeLibrary.VoidTaskFaulted event
40 Days Ago
Tweak lambda naming Generate a throwing lambda when compiling a graph with errors Tweak how ValidationExceptions are thrown on invoke
40 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
Tweak lambda naming Generate a throwing lambda when compiling a graph with errors
40 Days Ago
Tweak lambda naming
41 Days Ago
Add __guid and rename Version to __version in json Nicer stack traces Fix "The node already has a parent." when deserializing
41 Days Ago