userJames Kingcancel

224 Commits over 274 Days - 0.03cph!

24 Days Ago
Add BindingSurface.Node
25 Days Ago
Cache ExposedProperties
25 Days Ago
Make NodeBinding.FromMethodBase exceptions into binding errors
46 Days Ago
ParameterDefinitionExtensions.With order test, actual fix
46 Days Ago
ParameterDefinitionExtensions.With order fix
2 Months Ago
Add to cache on deserialize
2 Months Ago
Check cache even when deserializing full graphs
2 Months Ago
Expose parts of ActionGraphCache
2 Months Ago
Failing test for delegate type with multiple out parameters Expression graphs can implement delegates with multiple out parameters
2 Months Ago
Keep serialized properties in a consistent order
3 Months Ago
Input / output signals can be synchronous or async Got simple expression graphs working again, now with signals Automatically hook up input -> output signal for new expression graphs Fix version 7 upgrader Fix expression subgraphs Failing test for expression graph using async Use a dummy Signal type for all signal parameters Basic test for async in expression graphs Test for control flow async Control flow nodes inherit async from body signals
3 Months Ago
Start using DisplayInfo.Hidden
3 Months Ago
Use ExposeWhenCachedAttribute instead of ITypeLoader.CanCache( Type )
3 Months Ago
Link.IsNestedInput ActionGraph delegates can override input values Define types that must be exposed during cached graph serialization
3 Months Ago
Link.TryGetConstant() / TryGetVariable()
3 Months Ago
Automatically remove unlinked nested nodes
3 Months Ago
Get rid of LinkSource, just use nested nodes
3 Months Ago
Benchmark cached vs uncached
3 Months Ago
Fix ReSharper error Simplify ToDictionaryExpression ActionGraphCache first pass
4 Months Ago
Basic delegate invocation benchmarks
4 Months Ago
Variable renaming fix
4 Months Ago
Variable renaming
4 Months Ago
Fix serializing System.Object
4 Months Ago
IMessageContext.StackTraceIdentifier Include Context.StackTraceIdentifier in ValidationException.ToString() Merge branch 'legacy/1.3'
4 Months Ago
Add __guid and rename Version to __version in json Nicer stack traces Fix "The node already has a parent." when deserializing Tweak lambda naming Generate a throwing lambda when compiling a graph with errors Tweak how ValidationExceptions are thrown on invoke Added NodeLibrary.VoidTaskFaulted event Merge branch 'legacy/1.3'
4 Months Ago
Only AssignmentKind.Set guarantees a variable is initialized
4 Months Ago
Test output type of struct member assignment Fix result type of set property node if target is a struct
4 Months Ago
Display info for assignment operations
4 Months Ago
Accessor node refactor
4 Months Ago
Failing property binding test Allow type loaders to specify read / write access to properties and fields Fix property parameters when disconnected
4 Months Ago
Accessor node binding tweaks
4 Months Ago
Use IEnumerable<T> for ParameterDefinitionExtensions
4 Months Ago
Make ParameterDefinitionExtensions public
4 Months Ago
Merged property node definitions Upgrader simplifications Version 6 upgrader Test fixes Fixed SetStructField test Tests for += / -= / *= / /= nodes Improve property node serialization Update Node.ToString() More property assignment tests Handle type mismatch / missing operator for += etc nodes Refactor PropertyNodeDefinition to extend AccessorNodeDefinition Merged var.get / var.set nodes
5 Months Ago
Added input.value node
5 Months Ago
Test reproducing Facepunch/sbox-issues#5128 Better handling for missing parameters during validation Facepunch/sbox-issues#5128
5 Months Ago
Test reproducing Facepunch/sbox-issues#5066 Fixed Facepunch/sbox-issues#5066
5 Months Ago
Add ImpureAttribute
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Delegate.TryGetActionGraphImplementation() extension method Facepunch/sbox#1491
5 Months Ago
Expose InputDefinition serialization
5 Months Ago
Failing array input missing link serialization Fix missing links when serializing array inputs Subgraph array input link on boundary support
5 Months Ago
Support for delegate parameters returning void
5 Months Ago
Count boxing as an implicit conversion
5 Months Ago
MethodCallNodeDefinition.BinderCache thread safety
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
More general title formatting for instance nodes
5 Months Ago
Nicer titles for reflection nodes
5 Months Ago
Added ToTitleCase() for DisplayInfo.Title defaults
5 Months Ago
More generic method fixes